Wednesday, January 30, 2008

30 January, 2008 - Terminal Three :)

This is the first time i got kinda excited about lunch, cos Edwin, Sean, Fenn, Sarah and me went to Terminal Three today haha It's the first time i step foot in Terminal Three and the whole morning was filled with anticipation...maybe only i felt this way. There is a food court, NTUC and some other retail shops AND CANDY EMPIRE fwah! Zeh mo exciting

Got a message from Wendy today, a friend i made while drinking coffee and hanging around with the guys smoking by the vending machine next to the stairs, to invite me to her ROM in August :) I met her in 2006 as we were both working in the same building in Macpherson. We always smiled at each other whenever we see each other by the carpark..and officially became friends when she asked me what was the brand of perfume that i was using heehee then barely a few months after our friendship started, i left that building. I saved her name in my handphone as "Wendy-Staircase friend" hahaha You really never know what life has got to offer...the kind of people you will meet somewhere, somehow in life...this is the beautiful thing about life. JK, you are right, there should be nothing to hold me back here as there are a whole lot of other people for me to meet out there.

I asked Marvin this evening if he was an emotional person or a logical person. And what is the distinct difference in these two personalities.

Here was his reply.
Emotional person is someone who reacts based on his/her feelings.
Logical person is someone who reacts based on logics and facts.

If something happens that will affect both Mr Emotional and Mr Logical in a devastating way, Mr Emotional will show whatever he is feeling on his face and everyone can tell how he is feeling. Mr Logical will also feel affected but he goes about doing whatever that he is supposed to do for the day...without any betrayal of emotions on his face. Marvin's theory is, if you are a logical person, you will stay on track and complete whatever is needed to be done regardless of how you are feeling at the moment. JFK's conclusion: Marvin is just a hypocritical, cold and heartless bastard :P

If an emotional person and a logical person both get hit by a bad news, both are still able to get through the day to complete the necessary work. Except that the emotional one will not hide his feelings. The logical one might and probably will. Anyway the population of this world is so huge, you need a mixture of every type of personalities to make life more interesting and also to complement each other.

There are some people who just live life as it is, not questioning, not being in touch with their emotions, just living it. There are some people who question and stay connected to their emotions as well as the world in different ways. It's just how well you hide it.

Think about it.

Yes i am searching for many answers, it's an unrelentless search to ask and find out and to discover. I believe in Him but i am also so very human and so very imperfect, holding onto my worldly thoughts, behaviour etc. While i am sorting out my thoughts and start going back to cell, i will love Him in my own way i guess..til i see the rainbow..

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