Tuesday, January 22, 2008

22 January, 2008 - Escapism & Individualistic

Escapism & Individualistic, two words that i heard these two weeks.......i am.

Just found out from Daryl today that individualism is a sin...i was like zhun bo?? 随兴,随心是错的。那,怎么办哪?

Don't think now, think later.

Anyway, here are the objects of my current obsession :)

Nah Rubes, here is the karaoke version, let's learn and sing keke

I can't believe that i actually brought my MP3 to listen to all these Hokkien songs while working today and smile to myself looking like a complete idiot :p

Had dinner with Penguin and Huay this evening. Aiyo Kaiser is so cute :) so huggable and so nice smelling. And he gives a funny look when i blow at his face. He is really the splitting image of Penguin..same stare, same eyes, except that he laughs more than his dad muahaha dad's face is always "cool" Babies are a curious bunch hee

Hey i suddenly realised that men born in the year of the ox seldom smile...at least for all the men born in the year of ox in my life. Always have this constipated "owe me 25 cents" expression... *yawn* smile oxes SMILE

Airy dragon (almost wrote air head! phui) VS down-to-earth ox... if dar had been born in the year of the ox, he would have to spend lotsa time calibrating me to meet his requirements and in the process, "vomit some blood" hahaha like my mum tsk tsk and dar's mum. Both also ox..

你们属龙的都是头凤的 (read in Teochew) -> this is what dar's mum said to the both of us some years back.

Duncha just love oxes ya

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