Tuesday, January 8, 2008

8 January, 2008 - 有得必有失

Here's Rubes entry :)

"...I learned alot of things, 失去了, 也得到了一些. 有得必有失. 不是吗? Life is not a bed of roses and one just has to be positive. Luckily the bak bak sistas are mostly positive and if one of us is down, the other two will knock some sense into the other. Love my sistas. Wishing all of you happiness, good health, wealth and peace in the year 2008..."

Yes my dear, the three of us will always rally around each other for support and pick ourselves up after every fall ;) Now i need to sit down with the both of you and ask for some career advice again :)

Today is a manic Tuesday, i am still struggling to clear emails from last Thursday, Friday and this Monday plus today's...and i felt nothing but frustrations. I am like lost in my own world, oblivious to my surrounding, just focusing on the screen, typing away furiously. Every fucking thing is urgent, so much so that i am beyond caring of whatever is urgent. No matter how much time i spent clearing them, it will all still come to about the same, more and more come in and the faster you do, the expectation is there. And when i walk over to look for some sales people, they have almost all gone home..and it was only 5+. Now my desk is kinda messy and boxes of samples occupy the space under my desk. Really have to clear the samples or i will have no space for my feet soon.

It's not about working hard, it's about working smart. You gotta have a little bit of talent, flair for talking your way out, look harmless, mix with the right people and be at the right place at the right time...i guess that's about it. Opportunities! Yes, that's the magic word.

Now is still 2007 based on the Lunar calender, after CNY, it's truly a brand new start :)

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