Saturday, January 26, 2008

25 January, 2008 - Farewell lunch

Today is David's last day. He was my interviewer 10 months ago and the person who made this place sounds rosy and wonderful. Well he is right about the people here. They are a great bunch. He asked me what was my first impression of him when i met him for the interview...on Feb 8 last year hahaha he is a gentleman, patient and quiet. I gotta go figure out face be added as a friend :)

Lunch was at Laguna in Ghim Moh (never knew that place was Ghim Moh til David said so today) with Sean, Shirley and HB. About 8 months ago, on my second day of work, we had a celebration lunch at Tung Lok for hitting some budget. On that table were Wilson, Sean, Shirley, Sarah, Daryl and me. And i was still confused about who's who..all i knew was this is PEMCO team and i don't even know what the heck is PEMCO. And the picture painted to me was lagi best. Today, it hit upon me that the people who went to that lunch is gone one by one. OMG

The new PM is a weirdo. I think he is an insensitive 粗心大意 type of guy. He works and keeps to himself. I realised he is really focused on eating as well. So focused that he makes sure his plate always has food and is oblivious to whether the person next to him, that is Sean, can reach for the egg. And i am kinda irritated when he kept insisting that i finish the plate of cereal with the prawns just because she asked me to eat it...already said i am full ma, still keep saying "eat la" irritated that i snap at him..this gal also funny, cannot take no for an answer..scoop the cereal and dump it on my bowl! Anyway, i refused to eat it. You wana see guai lan i show you guai lan. What's up with these people. I wish i was seated next to Sean. At least he was normal...and gentleman enuff to help me with the hor fun. There were so many awkward silence i wish i could just disappear. Anyway, i supposed he might be a nice guy afterall...shucks forgive me for being so judgmental when i barely even know him. Must be the crankiness from the cereal thingy hee

There might be a reason for Shirley to be a workaholic and be tough. She was telling us today that there was once when she told her boss about how a fault in our system hampers a backlog inventory report. The reply she got was "you are a manager, you should solve it." I guess such things and family issues made her independant...everything adds up to fan her desire to be tougher for self protection and be as self reliant as possible. She is just like Cecilia..except that she is nicer. Can understand why Sarah is grumbling about her nowadays...but then again, under good or bad bosses, you learn different things. If you have to do whatever your boss is supposed to do, you learn how to do a new thing...and if your boss drives you crazy, you bring yourself to a new learning curve. But i guess it is always easier to have a "common enemy" have a common reason to gel together.

Went to collect my handphone today ahhhhhhh finally. It is in good shape again :) Had dinner with Desmond at KFC in Simei and he is the ultimate CCTV hahaha

Make friends with sincerity. Build relationship with sincerity. Like people with sincerity. Talk to people with sincerity. Treat others with sincerity and be genuine, without a second agenda. Life is really so simple if you choose to be.

Anyway, i bought the eye liner YATTA hahaha i am using it tomorrow with the fake lashes :) wish me luck baby
I love my fake lashes and my intuition yeah

Both of you are right, i should go sell cosmetics and celebrate being a cosmetics junkie

1 comment:

charles said...

As always, thank you for sharing.