Thursday, January 17, 2008

17 January, 2008 - Closet Bimbo(s)

Went to meet by beloved bak bak sistas for dinner at Katong after work today. Rubes brought the original soundtrack of 881 and i am SOOOOOOO excited to slip it into my cd player at home at blast it :)

I am obsessed with all these Hokkien songs hahahahaha even the cab driver was playing 行情坏 in his car on my way to meet the gals OMG, talk about mind power. You think and think and think and it happens. Let's think that LBN will either leave or get rid of her insecurities and kiasi-ism, and become a kinder,warmer and nicer person. MIND POWER reigns!!

Ate "kong bak bao" and a big fish cake for dinner (sancha drink sucks phui yucks) at a Hakka eatery. Then 小笼包 and 蛋塔 at the Hong Kong cafe across the road. Ate too much......."姨妈" is here today and i already felt bloated and 'crampy" plus all these food, i felt FAT :(

We did the most unthinkable thing tonight....we wind down the the car windows and let the hokkien music played loudly :P Then alamak traffic jam, song was TECHNO 行情怀, motocycle with two ah peks stopped next to our car, looked into car and found three giggly gals shaking uncontrollably :D Techno lei, dun play play..mai seow seow *guffaws*

OL (office lady) by day and closet bimbo by night = bak bak sistas heehee

Seriously speaking, when i play these songs in my computer softly while i am working, it just makes me happy and grin to myself gee

When i am with Rubes, i become a shopping demon, when i am with Yan, i become a glutton. And when i am with the two of them, i get both vices combined!!

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