Sunday, January 20, 2008

20 January, 2008 - My phone is "in custody"

Grace dropped by for lunch this afternoon, supposed to whip up a sumptuous meal for her but we ended up eating the mee siam from last night's little party hahaha My pretty cousin has grown up and blossomed into a lovely young lass :)

My phone is "hospitalised" again. This time, at the technical support place in Simei. Damn, such a fragile phone. I accidentally dropped it (it was in the handphone pouch) and the casing split :( I have bad opinions about Sony Ericsson now. It's not durable arrgghh it will not be ready until Thursday and i feel upset already.

Lucky for me, i have just downloaded the pictures of our gluttony from my phone and uploaded them in my entry under Closet Bimbo(s) heehee *winkz*

Sigh, will have to spend the next few weeks/days doing house cleaning for CNY...THROW OUT ALL CLUTTERS!!


charles said...

Sony Ericcson are'nt too bad, sometimes they are even better than most, although i can feel how inconvienent it can be when you need it and it doesn't work. Thank you again for your blogging. A pleasure as always.

housecat said...

Hi there Charles, i was just grumbling :) i guess i will still continue using Sony Ericsson for a long while hee