Thursday, July 31, 2008

31 July, 2008 - Townhall meeting

Aising and me wore our new tops today :) and i wore my new shoes as well. Woa every step seemed so glittering hahaha

This has been a busy week. And i am still trying to catch up on the "forgotten not done" sigh...i think there is an overpouring amount of ping pong balls this week haha

There's Townhall meeting today at 4.30pm in Block A. This time my ex-colleagues will be joining as well, that's a lot of people in a room. Saw some familiar faces...seem so near yet so far. Mix feelings. Afterall, in the one year that i was there, i met a few nice people.

But i am so glad i made the correct decision to join Arrow more than a year ago :) Thank God, i am definitely much happier now with like-minded friends in my dream company heehee at least i feel i am normal here. Being friendly is just that, not cited as trying hard to gel :) Just being who i am, with all my idiosyncrasies, being allowed to speak freely and not get ostracized, being allowed to be truthful and direct without being judged. It definitely makes life alot brighter.

Here's a nice song...courtesy from my PM's 介绍 :)

30 July, 2008 - 过客



Am in a really bad mood today. PMS. Anyway i am feeling cranky about everything. And i feel restless.

Belly dancing helped to cheer my mood though...but i thought that the pelvic thrust and doing the circle thingy was somewhat obscene. After class, we went Bugis to shop again, and i bought a pair of shoes from Pazzion. Cost me almost seventy bucks..wonder what possessed me to buy it. They look like glass slippers with a gold plate in the middle and a unique heel.

While we were in this shop looking at quirky clothes, i suddenly wish i was at Butter Factory. Got a gloss from Lancome...Fraise..a colour that reminds me of some distant memories in Shanghai.

By the time i got home, i am all smiles. I'll be ready to face tomorrow's crap if any :) Bless retail therapy.

Monday, July 28, 2008

28 July, 2008 - Smells

Edwin is back from the Thailand trip today and got us a very nice pouch from the very famous Naraya from Thailand :) I chose the purple one, one of my favourite colours keke Pearline is so sweet too, i got a gold, ahem my favourite colour, bag from Naraya too.. Amy is back from Hong Kong and i got a red make up pouch haha I have made some very nice friends here :D oh no i cannot help grinning heehee i've got three thoughtful gifts in red, purple and three favourite colours...what more does a girl want? Life is blessed and i am counting my blessings :)

My appointment with the doctor was surprisingly fast. Good for me :) Dar is on MC today hmmmmm and i am visiting a doctor this evening. Maybe the fengshui is no good at home hahaha ooops pardon me from believing :p

There are many types of smells that attract me. I like the smell found in paperback books, the smell of new plastic A4 files, the smell of fresh coat of paint on the wall, the smell of new leather stuff, the smell in the interior of a new car and many more. This evening, as i was getting dinner in a coffeeshop, i am agitated by the smell. The smell was a distinctive "oily" one. Standing there waiting for my food made me impatient..i would be walking out of the coffeeshop smelling bad. And i am wearing my new skirt and carrying my new bag today.

This smell...i don't like arrrgghhh


Lights, camera, action! Watch out, world, here comes Leo the Lion. No one is able to command center stage the way a Leo can. Leo natives were born to entertain, just as they were born to dazzle their associates with their delightful smiles and sunny personalities. Leo is the most romantic sign in the Zodiac, and it's hard to find a guy or gal who doesn't melt at one glance from the formidable and sexy Lion or Lioness. Leo individuals are the living embodiment of their Zodiac symbol, the heart, and are wonderful friends and lovers.

Two of my favourite actresses share the same birthday as me keke

Hayden Panettiere (Claire in Heroes)
August 21, 1989

Kim Cattrall (Samantha in Sex and the City)
August 21, 1956

Sunday, July 27, 2008

27 July - My first Brownie

Dar picked my up after church today and we headed to Eunos to buy a baguette :) Lunch was baguette eaten with curry and yesterda's leftovers from Jervoise's bbq. After i felt the food digested keke me and Jervoise hit yhe gym. Wah lau damn shag doing the stepper..and it's just the stepper. How the shite am i going to train up fast enough for the run i wonder...

Went Parkway with Jervoise and Jervis to get my gummy bears, puffs from Marks & Spencer and baking ingredients :) We're going to bake a big brownie cake heehee
We beat the egg, stir the flour, mess up the kitchen abit and ta ta preheat the oven and put the mixture into the oven. Oh.."we" was only Jervis and me :D forty-five minutes later, we can smell the aroma of our brownie oooooh heavenly

The brownie is a huge success hohoho

26 July, 2008 - Lil' Leo's first bdae

Went to Vivi's place this afternoon for my Godson's one year old birthday buffet :) We collected the cake from Parkway and headed back to the party :) recently, i have been going to Parkway very often. I was a Tampines Mall / Century Square gal but ever since my family shifted to Kembangan and i started working in Bedok, Parkway seems to be THE place. The East is a wonderful place to what am i doing in the North Eastern part of Singapore..

There were many kids running around my dear sista's place haha it's that a sign??

Lil' Leo is so adorable :)Yippee my Godson is one year old (i am one third of a mummy even if i do not have a child ;D )

Happy birthday my darling child la la la la la la la

Went for foot reflexology after the ease away the muscle pain keke zeh mo shiok sigh...pain and relaxing

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Random Thoughts

This is what i found in a CD that i bought a few weeks ago..i find it interesting and how true...

When i say "i am a Christian"
I am not shouting "i am clean."
I'm whispering "i was lost, now i am found and forgiven."

When i say "i am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I am confessing that i stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

When i say "i am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and i need His strength to carry on.

When i say "i am a Christian"
I'm not bragging about success.
I'm admitting that i have failed and need God to clean my mess.

When i say "i am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible but,
God believes i am worth it.

When i say "i am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my shares of heartaches so i call upon His name.

When i say "i am a Christian"
I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner,
Who received God's good grace.


Friday, July 25, 2008

25 July, 2008 - Indian Food

I am down with flu. Even after popping two flu pills last night, i am still sneezing away this afternoon. Drats...Andrew said it's so obvious i am having a bad bout of flu and i should go home. But i told him i shall spread the virus around so the whole marketing team can go on sick leave and take a break hahaha

Sarah and me met up with Wilson, Lynn, Vincent and wifey, Jessie and hubby for dinner at an Indian restaurant along Siglap road this evening. I had to cancel my dinner with jfk cos i only got to know of it last minute..sorry dar

Indian food is nice, there are lotsa chicken dishes..think Wilson mentioned something like this was South Indian food..can't remember if it's Northern or Southern but this restaurant serves very nice dishes. The masala dish was very hot but i like it and the yoghurt drink recommended by Wilson was very nice, my choice was strawberry yoghurt over the mango yoghurt :) I will come back here and have dinner again keke

Dar picked me up after dinner and we went home to catch the last episode of 一切完美..xian so fast last episode liao chey

At 11pm, we went to JB with Chee Wee to have supper at our usual hangout and to get a car wash.

Tired and sleepy.

23 July, 2008 - Retail Therapy cum belly dancing

We brought our dance attire to change in the office toilet today, a very good idea because the ones in the dance studio are pathetically small.

After our class, we went to shop in Bugis (like what's new lo)...i have only set out to buy a pair of shoes but ended up with two tops and a skirt from GG5, a mascara from Clinique, and THE pair of shoes fom C & K...arrrghh everything cost me two hundred over bucks..Anyway i love what i have bought hahaha new clothes to wear to work again this week. I love the has got interesting colours and cheerful prints :)

The mascara is an errrrr impulse buy but it was a good impulse buy cos it's really damn good lo. Hey gals, it's Cliniqe Lash Power Curling mascara. WOA, the words "Power" and "Curling" and "Out of stock" made me grab one hahaha And to think i just stock up on my mascara from Sasa last Saturday...cos i am so scared it goes out of i have three new mascara enuff to last me for the next three months hohoho (I wouldn't have bought the mascara if not for Aising..she tried the mascara over the counter and i witness her lashes grow longer and thicker..and she has to throw in the "out of stock" there...)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

22 July, 2008 - Triple Nine

This morning, we saw lotsa smoke...a car has its right tyre up the kerb and the left tyre spinning so fast. It was a pretty steep kerb and the spinning of the tyre generated a rubbery smell. The driver, a man who look like in his late 40s, was unconscious with his head out of the window.

I panicked.

As the accident happened on the opposite lane of our car, we were unable to get down and help. Aising suggested calling the police and i searched my bag frantically for my phone and mumbled "OMG, i have never called 999 before..what am i gonna say!" I am crap lo duh..

Anyway i think i spoke too rapidly for the officer on the line to understand what i was trying to tell him. And the bloody line was muffled from his side. And he was rude. After spending some time for him to take down my particulars and the accident location, i snapped at him to quickly send the ambulance and help.

So drama...

I was deciding if i should write to forum to complain about the "efficiency" and the "politeness" of the triple nine service when another officer called to check and verify if i was at the accident scene. He was so polite. Then an hour later, another officer called to check if i actually witness how the guy banged his car up the kerb and informed me that the driver is on his way to the hospital. So polite as well. Right, two polite officers versus one rude officer...that saved me the trouble of writing to forum haha

21 July, 2008 - Second Package

This is rather unnecessary but i would like to say the second package from my internet spree has arrived! YES!

So there, my BB cream has arrived yeah yeah yeah I think internet shopping is an addiction, just a click here and a click there, transfer the money and wait for a few weeks before the goods arrived. The anticipation of opening the letter box is so errmmm refreshing ba heehee

We cut the cake at Apex this afternoon for Edward, Rick, Heidi and Chin. So glad everyone likes the rich sinful cake hohoho
I went to Katong to get this chocolate cake from Awfully Chocolate yesterday evening and carrying the cake home was a "perilous" task..given my clumsy nature :D but the cake was worth every cent heehee

19 July, 2008 - 赤壁

Went to watch 赤壁 at Plaza Singapura this afternoon with Jfk and Rubes. China is really so rich in history. I have never been a fan of the game 三国 so i had a hard time remembering the Liu Bei, Zhu Geliang, Guan Yu, Zhao Zilong, Zhou Yu, Zhang Fei, Cao Cao etc etc...

The only words that ring in my head after the show was “为什么我身边就没有这么样的猛将跟随..."

Will elaborate another time..when i have sorted out thinking about this "charismatic leader Liu Bei"

Went to Parkway and la la la shop. Bought a rusty gold vintage bangle from Diva and a diamante hair ornament from Chomel. Rubes bought a set of jewellery, necklace and ear rings :) What's up with women and shopping? hahaha

We had dinner at Carl's Junior in East Coast :) so glad they served pork bacon instead of *yikes turkey bacon hohoho

Hey Rubes, it has been a great time, glad we chatted :) And i love the vintage bangles.
The first package from my internet spree has arrived yesterday :) so excited when i ripped open the package heehee

Monday, July 21, 2008

18 July, 2008 - Marketing Lunch for July babies

This afternoon we had lunch at Laguna to celebrate Edward, Rick, Heidi and Chin's birthdays :)

We occupied two tables at laguna - Aising, Amy, Jasmine, Anthea, Yanti, Chin, Larry, Rick, Edward, Edwin, Heidi, Alice, TP, Chin Yiang, Sean, Fenn, Sarah and me.

A happy lunch :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

16 July, 2008 - Belly Dancing Class

My belly dance classes starts today and i am so excited :)

Aising and me got there by 6.30pm to select our hip scarves YEAH!! I bought a red hip scarf with gold coins and Aising bought a purple hip scarf with gold coins. Both of us waited at the wrong class meant for level pai say hmmm It weren't til a lady asked if both of us were attending level six class that we realised we made a boo boo hahaha

After our class ended at 8pm, we headed down to Bugis to shop heehee happy sial :)
I bought three pairs of ear rings, a top from Dorothy Perkins and another top from Topshop. New clothes to wear to work tomorrow :D

Hip scarf

Dance pants

I love dancing :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


小情歌 - 蘇打綠

我爱你 - S.H.E

回家 - 顺子

Monday, July 14, 2008

13 July, 2008 - East Coast

I just got to write is my first attempt on roller blading :) my gosh it hurts lo... but i am happy i tried la la la la la

Saturday, July 12, 2008

12 July, 2008 - PAP test

Had an appointment with the gynae at 12pm today and i overslept hmmm anyway late for 15 minutes only heh heh heng sial

Amy's appointment to collect her medicine was at 12.30pm. I saw a stylish lady walked into the clinic and thought to myself,"such a cute and pretty gal" and realised that it was Amy hahaha

The whole test was uncomfortable and anyway i was told that i have a fibroid near my womb. Scary sial, but the first question that i asked the doctor was if it hurts to remove it instead of will that means difficulty in conceiving. Not that i need to remove it now..supposed to go back for another check up six months later. I realised that my biological clock is not strongly ticking away when the fear of not being able to conceive was non existent when i heard about the fibroid thingy.

Had lunch with Amy and got home by 2pm. Washed all my clothes. Mopped the floor and packed the living room. After all the housework, i am back at my favourite spot to update my blog with a can of Hello Panda strawberry cookies keke

Jfk got home at 4pm and did some work. I can't believe that i could actually stay at home and do housework instead of going out doing whatever. In a modern young family, the young couple will have instant noodles for dinner hahahahahahaha

11 July, 2008 - ICB

Went to Fenn's granny's wake during lunch with Sean and Sarah today. Met Gary for the second time and we had a proper conversation about the rising cost of real estates in Singapore :)

While we were chatting, i see three foreign workers climbing up a flimsy ladder and standing precariously on the top of it in order to secure a position for himself at the make shift tentage stands. My heart fell at the sight of him perched so high up above ground level trying to tie the tents together. Damn it, why isn't there any safety precautions going on?? No one help to stabilize the ladder, no safety belts on their waist, NOTHING!! A few weeks ago, i read on the papers about this doctor who specialised in hands surgery said that the patients that made him sad most were the young men from foreign countries who came to work as labourers. Because when these young men are injured, they would be deemed useless and sent back to their country. Honestly speaking, the world is really not a fair place....and this really is something that is not within our control (haiz) but the very least that all of us could do is learn about the virtue of humaneness.

Went to Ice cold Beer with Sean, Edwin and Amanda this evening..Amanda's farewell thingy. Strange..won't be seeing her emails or meeting her in the loo anymore.. Each of us had three bottles of beer, a cup of vodka and lotsa food. Two basket of chicken wings, three pizzas and a plate of wedges OMG the food was so darn good and so was the music :) Alex and wifey joined us later :) Anyway, i realised that if i ate enough food, i take better to alcohol..Hey Yan & Rubes, that's why that day the Ice wine didn't make me feel heady cos there was enough steamboat soup, meat, chrysanthemum tea and yakult in my stomach hahahahaha We stayed til the second round of happy hour and left around 2plus close to 3am and Ed sent me home fwah so nice to chill like that keke life is so wonderful and i am blessed. Thank God :)

10 July, 2008 - Steamboat

Had lunch with Edwin today and met Yan & Gary in PP hahaha small world. They are shopping for our steamboat party sweet of you my dear :) Anyway Yan blurted out,"oh so you are Edwin, we finally met." So tyical of you kekeke

We are celebrating Yan's birthday today :) Got to her place at 7.30pm and my stomach was growling...the highlight of tonight is tatata -> little Zhenyu allowed me to carry him (don't play play hahaha) not an easy task cos little Zhenyu is a shy baby heehee

Rubes got a Lychee Martini cake for Yan and it was YUMMY. Between the three of us, we shared a bottle of Icewine from Canada, from Rubes. My first time drinking's sweeter than champagne and it leaves a nice after taste. NICE lo

Thursday, July 10, 2008

9 July, 2008 - Beautiful day

I am unable to wipe off the smile on my face today :D but drats, it rained this morning..bad news when one do not want the bag to get wet tsk tsk


Someone buay tahan and went on to get himself a new laptop bag hahahahaha finally :D

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

8 July, 2008 - Coach!!

Happy birthday my dear bak bak sista *smuakz

I am in a happy mood today, so happy that nothing could irritate me :) because this morning, Ade sent me a text message that she is back from States with MY Coach bag woohoo i am sooooooo very HAPPY!! In fact, happy is an understatement cos it's the perfect bag (at this moment) in gold favourite colour next to red :) This is the first time i am coughing up that kind of money to buy a bag...cos i get bored and tire of things easily. BUT this is different hahaha buying this bag is a decision i made after a few months and many trips to all these ATAS shops like Kate Spade, Gucci, Prada, Channel, Coach etc etc in Takashimaya...getting to be such a pain keke so i won't be getting tired of it so soon la...hopefully

I am blogging happily, now that i have carefully packed the essentials into my bag, and thinking hard about what should i be wearing to work tomorrow heehee

My red Mango bag sitting next to my Gold bag..wah i like the combination muahahahahaha

Monday, July 7, 2008

7 July, 2008 - Wendy & Soh Kok Suan's ROM

Took half day's leave today to attend Wendy's ROM in Yum Cha at Chinatown. Feels good to be taking the train so early in the afternoon once in awhile heehee

Got to dar's office at 1pm and and it started pouring! Wah lau damn heng lo! Cannot imagine what would have happened if i got caught in the rain without a brolly with smudged mascara and ruined make up ^_^"

Wendy..hmmm like i mentioned a friend i made while having coffee standing next to a vending machine in my previous company. It's the strangest way to make friends hahaha and Sean was saying a weirdo like me makes weirdo friends keke actually the word is uber FRIENDLY la

(.....I get my coffee from the vending machine near the staircase and have it there every morning...standing by a corner smelling great in my perfume. Most mornings, we smile at each other and one fine morning, she asked me wat perfume am i using and we exchange names, numbers and the rest is history keke like tat oso can make frens :) chemistry decides whether we gel or not heehee.....)

Anyway, Wendy has invited me to her ROM today and i feel honoured to be there. In the process of hala-ing with the rest of the people around the table, i got to know a really good manicurist located in Chinatown heh heh just what i needed this afternoon. So lucky of me cos a while ago, i was scouring the internet for a pedicure shop in Chinatown heehee

I love people :) la la la la la la la

Lunch was prawns, chicken, CRABS, toufu, vegetables, sharksfin soup and noodles. Heavy lunch sial...

Spent an hour getting a foot massage before proceeding to do my pedicure. She is very creative and my feet felt pampered by her. :) This is life man, pampering myself hahaha

Sunday, July 6, 2008

6 July, 2008 - Grandma's bdae

Jfk picked me up after church service to go Yishun. We bought cupcakes for the children but they weren't around haiz waste money...

It's grandma's birthday and we are having a family dinner at Bedok North. Wayne, the RI boy, do not know what a Bah yi or mang ka li is..duh??!!

Grace: I irritate my boss
Me: The guy?
Grace: No la, she is a pregnant bah yi
Wayne: What is bah yi?
Jfk (ex ACS boy): HUH?? Wah you RI idiot lei
Wayne: Hey stop it, enough discrimination against RI lei
Me: You know what is mang ka li?
Wayne: What is mang ka li?
Grace: You know what is mak mak shop?
Wayne: Econ mini mart lo
All of us: Guffaws and laughters

Anyway, we ate what's new..DAMN FULL again. But i certainly look forward to another Desaru trip with my family.

5 July, 2008 - One Rochester

Meet up with Penguin, Huay, little bundle of joy and Lian at Carlton hotel at 12.30pm for lunch to celebrate Huay's birthday. So many desserts and so little stomach space...

Picked Yan and Rubes in Eunos at 5.50pm, Gary at Selegie 6pm, we thought we were going to JB. It became only a thought because there was an unimaginable massive traffic jam. We ended up having dinner at KFC in Woodlands...

But the best part was, we had drinks at Graze in Rochester Park. This is like a two year dream came true. Rchester is like a hidden, overpriced chillout place in Singapore. But there are many ang moh heehee i like hahaha We had a bottle of champagne and enjoyed the breeze and an old movie by Greta Garbo :)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Songs for First week of July

Leona Lewis - Better In Time

Billie Myers - Kiss the rain

Sex and the City - Auld lang syne

Duffy - Mercy

Samantha and Smith - Sex and the city

4 July, 2008 - Massage

Today had been a busy day tsk tsk no time to day dream..

Went to Simei to repair phone and get a foot massage with Sean after work today but it was fully packed we tried the one in Bedok instead kekeke Dinner was settled at Kenny Rogers in East Coast and we wanted ice cream in Gelare but it was closed. Wonder how the shops in East Coast last so long at this rate they are going..

Got our ice cream at Siglap and headed to Pasir Ris to check out the place. Oooh i love life and ice cream hahaha Sean sent me home before heading home to pack his luggage for his trip to Thailand tomorrow :) i am so very envious hmmm

Thursday, July 3, 2008

2 July, 2008 - Tired Skin

Attended William & Carrie's wedding dinner at Merchant Court yesterday evening. Dinner started at 8.30pm sharp and ended at 10plus. Yummy, food there was good. Weddings are's fun to don a wedding gown, with nicely done make up and perfectly coiffed hair :) It was the only time that i don a halter neck and bare cleavage..more than i can accept hahaha realised that Aising and me were wearing the same Mango top in different colours today heehee great minds think alike hohoho

I haven't been going for my facials and when i looked into my Anna Sui mirror (so shallow) today, i see a very dull reflection of myself arrrggghhh i think i have tired skin :( and I NEED A DAMN GOOD FACIAL and a little miracle cream!! No amount of make up will be able to camouflage this *sobs

Perhaps more pink blusher tomorrow will do a little trick :)

I actually miss learning golf tsk tsk..anything that last more than a week in my thoughts is not 三分钟热度 ba

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

30 June, 2008 - Mother Nature

I really, really detest 大姨妈!!! Darn it..each month is a challenge to try to control my emotions and not let the hormones run amok. Pregnancy seems the only sane way to keep 大姨妈 away. But the thought of pregnancy seems more insane haha

Edwin is back from China and he showed us the pictures from his trip. The mountains, the clouds, the river and the roads look so beautiful. China is a beautiful country..every corner seems to have its own history. From where he took the pictures, it seems as though Lijiang is very close to heaven :) the horizon, the apparent boundary between earth and sky, looked so some wuxia movie. Oh the scenary would probably be like that of the movie Judou..directed by Zhang Yimou. Each of us has a place, a plan, a role etc etc during our lifetime on Earth and oh yes... we are so small :)

Nature is so beautiful..the world is so big...suddenly i felt like i am trapped living the typical Singapore dream. In the ideal world (my ideal world), i would be trotting around the remotest corner of Earth and discovering nature and making friends from all over. Like how this ang moh worked six months, earned his travelling fares and pack his bag and GO. After travelling for six months, he goes back and earn his keeps to prepare for his next trip. BUT i am not as gutsy and i am...working a normal nine to six desk bound job, taking short yearly trips..better than nothing la haha

Here's a "Miss Congeniality" parting shot: SAVE OUR EARTH, RECYCLE