Thursday, July 31, 2008

31 July, 2008 - Townhall meeting

Aising and me wore our new tops today :) and i wore my new shoes as well. Woa every step seemed so glittering hahaha

This has been a busy week. And i am still trying to catch up on the "forgotten not done" sigh...i think there is an overpouring amount of ping pong balls this week haha

There's Townhall meeting today at 4.30pm in Block A. This time my ex-colleagues will be joining as well, that's a lot of people in a room. Saw some familiar faces...seem so near yet so far. Mix feelings. Afterall, in the one year that i was there, i met a few nice people.

But i am so glad i made the correct decision to join Arrow more than a year ago :) Thank God, i am definitely much happier now with like-minded friends in my dream company heehee at least i feel i am normal here. Being friendly is just that, not cited as trying hard to gel :) Just being who i am, with all my idiosyncrasies, being allowed to speak freely and not get ostracized, being allowed to be truthful and direct without being judged. It definitely makes life alot brighter.

Here's a nice song...courtesy from my PM's 介绍 :)

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