Sunday, July 27, 2008

26 July, 2008 - Lil' Leo's first bdae

Went to Vivi's place this afternoon for my Godson's one year old birthday buffet :) We collected the cake from Parkway and headed back to the party :) recently, i have been going to Parkway very often. I was a Tampines Mall / Century Square gal but ever since my family shifted to Kembangan and i started working in Bedok, Parkway seems to be THE place. The East is a wonderful place to what am i doing in the North Eastern part of Singapore..

There were many kids running around my dear sista's place haha it's that a sign??

Lil' Leo is so adorable :)Yippee my Godson is one year old (i am one third of a mummy even if i do not have a child ;D )

Happy birthday my darling child la la la la la la la

Went for foot reflexology after the ease away the muscle pain keke zeh mo shiok sigh...pain and relaxing

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