Saturday, July 12, 2008

11 July, 2008 - ICB

Went to Fenn's granny's wake during lunch with Sean and Sarah today. Met Gary for the second time and we had a proper conversation about the rising cost of real estates in Singapore :)

While we were chatting, i see three foreign workers climbing up a flimsy ladder and standing precariously on the top of it in order to secure a position for himself at the make shift tentage stands. My heart fell at the sight of him perched so high up above ground level trying to tie the tents together. Damn it, why isn't there any safety precautions going on?? No one help to stabilize the ladder, no safety belts on their waist, NOTHING!! A few weeks ago, i read on the papers about this doctor who specialised in hands surgery said that the patients that made him sad most were the young men from foreign countries who came to work as labourers. Because when these young men are injured, they would be deemed useless and sent back to their country. Honestly speaking, the world is really not a fair place....and this really is something that is not within our control (haiz) but the very least that all of us could do is learn about the virtue of humaneness.

Went to Ice cold Beer with Sean, Edwin and Amanda this evening..Amanda's farewell thingy. Strange..won't be seeing her emails or meeting her in the loo anymore.. Each of us had three bottles of beer, a cup of vodka and lotsa food. Two basket of chicken wings, three pizzas and a plate of wedges OMG the food was so darn good and so was the music :) Alex and wifey joined us later :) Anyway, i realised that if i ate enough food, i take better to alcohol..Hey Yan & Rubes, that's why that day the Ice wine didn't make me feel heady cos there was enough steamboat soup, meat, chrysanthemum tea and yakult in my stomach hahahahaha We stayed til the second round of happy hour and left around 2plus close to 3am and Ed sent me home fwah so nice to chill like that keke life is so wonderful and i am blessed. Thank God :)

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