Tuesday, July 1, 2008

30 June, 2008 - Mother Nature

I really, really detest 大姨妈!!! Darn it..each month is a challenge to try to control my emotions and not let the hormones run amok. Pregnancy seems the only sane way to keep 大姨妈 away. But the thought of pregnancy seems more insane haha

Edwin is back from China and he showed us the pictures from his trip. The mountains, the clouds, the river and the roads look so beautiful. China is a beautiful country..every corner seems to have its own history. From where he took the pictures, it seems as though Lijiang is very close to heaven :) the horizon, the apparent boundary between earth and sky, looked so surreal...like some wuxia movie. Oh the scenary would probably be like that of the movie Judou..directed by Zhang Yimou. Each of us has a place, a plan, a role etc etc during our lifetime on Earth and oh yes... we are so small :)

Nature is so beautiful..the world is so big...suddenly i felt like i am trapped living the typical Singapore dream. In the ideal world (my ideal world), i would be trotting around the remotest corner of Earth and discovering nature and making friends from all over. Like how this ang moh worked six months, earned his travelling fares and pack his bag and GO. After travelling for six months, he goes back and earn his keeps to prepare for his next trip. BUT i am not as gutsy and so...here i am...working a normal nine to six desk bound job, taking short yearly trips..better than nothing la haha

Here's a "Miss Congeniality" parting shot: SAVE OUR EARTH, RECYCLE

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