Sunday, May 27, 2007

27 May, 2007 - I miss Phuket...

Woke up late this morning and made Justine wait for us..hmm felt bad.. anyway, mum came along wif us today, i took a peep at her and saw her singing along to the hyms. I saw her close her eyes and say a prayer to God too keke COOL :) she even told me she will not object to me getting baptised! wow something i thot would never happen...

I longed for some pork knuckers for lunch but did not manage to satisfy my urge keke then while driving home, i thot about the Phuket trip that i went wif my previous company in January this year...i miss the sun, sea and massage...i miss the hotel room that i had all to myself, the fun, the shopping and the people...time really passes so fact too fast...i have a feeling the restless monster is here to visit me again...shit

Jervis is in Barcelona now...visiting more musuems and arts houses now keke so happy for him...shall catch a play wif him when he is back...but i have missed the play "broadway beng returns" *sobz*

Do Not Disturb

Just caught the recorded "do not disturb" on tv and suddenly an idea sprung up, it's really a great idea to rent such a cosy room and laze around haha maybe should check out hotel 1929 or watever it's called or Gallery hotel...In the series, it's called Fragipani tacky..this room in fictional Fragipani Palace is painted in red and the layout is kinda retro looking wif an old school feel to it. I guess red is to represent passion and dark to make it look cosy and also perhaps darkness signifies 见不得光...think so?

The series has ended sigh...nothing to look forward to on a Monday nite anymore ahhhhhhh...the show that showcases, anger, loneliness, emptiness, hope and sex...stuff that "normal" people do not display in their daily lives. Normalness constitutes abiding by politically correct rules and playing the game right, watever the game is...would this be consider being an escapist? or am i being crappy and sprouting nonsensical nonsense hmmm i think i must be feeling sleepy so = crappy keke

My favourite episode is the one that has Adrian Pang and Andrea de Cruz in it. Anyway, i hope there will be a re-run on this series...or more of such shows will be shown...and maybe have such plays in the local arts scene too...i will be sure to be there to watch em' :)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Jeremiah 29: 11 to 13

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all you heart..."

This is my all-time favourite verse :)

26 May, 2007 - Hokkien service in Bethesda

I had almost 200 odd emails in my inbox after 2 days of leave and i had to spend an hour yesterday just to scan through them to filter out the urgent ones sigh...anyway the good news for me is, i finished clearing em' all keke *pat on my shoulder* It's my beng beng bossy's last day at work today...i feel sad tho he promised to keep in contact..but nevertheless we wish him all the best.

Woke up at 12 today and got back some of my beauty sleep hmmm did some housework and be a couch potatoe for a few hours yippee yay. Today is another important day, my parents actually agreed to attend a Hokkien church service with Uncle Charlie, Auntie Molly and Auntie Eugenia. This is really a miracle cos mummy is kinda anti Christ even tho she attended Canossa Convert school..she warned me not to get myself baptised and i abide by her wishes. Wah and i realised that papa was from St Andrew lei

So from 6pm to 9pm, i sat there trying my best to figure out what the pastor was preaching...but his hokkien is really cheem lo..anyway he was still parents, especially mummy, was laughing hard heehee

Best of all, mummy is going to church wif Jervoise and me tomorrow!!! Happy happy happy

My whole body is aching...might still be feeling tired and i sure am looking forward to some foot massage ;p yay cheerios

Blood Group

Click on the image to see what you're like ;)
I am a typical "B" keke wif a very short attention span..

Friday, May 25, 2007

24 May, 2007

We were not supposed to look at the caretakers lift up the coffin as it is supposed to bring some bad luck thingy...but in your grief, would you still care and remember about the bad luck? Anyway i defied that command and i did just what i wanted to do, i stood by the aisle and watch them lift up the coffin and said my silent goodbye.

I stood behind my mum when my grandma was cremated this afternoon...hugged her from behind and was her pillar of strength literally and figuratively...she is really sad...felt good to be hugging my mum so tightly tho' it's not for a joyous occasion

Uncle Charlie's pain was written all over his face..somehow that pain felt so genuine..unlike some of them..who was crying out aloud perhaps for show..a very public display of sadness making sure there is an audience. Fuck hypocrisy. Enough said.

Final hyms

Amazing Grace
Amazing grace how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind but now I see

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fear relieved.
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believed

Thru' many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home


As the deer
As the deer pants for the water
So my soul longs after thee
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you

You alone are my strength my shield;
To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you


What a friend we have in Jesus
What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry,
Everything to God in prayer
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry,
Everything to God in prayer

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a Friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer

Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Saviour's still our refuge
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer;
In his arms He'll take and shield thee;
Thou wilt find a solace there

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Trying so hard to stay awake and alert sitting on this really uncomfortable chair and fending off those bloody mosquitoes. I feel like spraying Baygone to kill all of them shit! But i am trying to be environmentally i am just grumbling, blogging and scratching all at the same time. It's 3.18am now and i have to stay awake all the way til about 5pm tomorrow. Die la...i am going to be in a zombie state tomorrow and most likely to be in a daze complete wif a faraway look.

Meanwhile for now..WAKEyyyyyy UP

Just received Jervis's message...he just left Madrid and is now in Sevilla...he is going to be upset about grandma's passing since he is close to her..anyway we are keeping it from him til his is back...i really have to tell him i miss him and i love him very much

23 May, 2007 - Simple joys of life

I get to be a housecat for half a day today...did some housework, in fact plenty of housework, before heading to the wake at 3pm. Felt good to be sitting by the window at 10am staring out into space doing nothing but daydreaming, hearing birds chirping and children laughing in the playground. That's what i wanna do wif my life...i mean in the morning. Wake up at 9am, play some music and have my is if i can have my coffee in East Coast and take a slow drive down ECP. Then maybe start work at 1pm doing what i love doing..being a make up artist haha enjoying the simple joys of life. I must remind myself to MAKE IT HAPPEN and MAKE IT WORK

Circuit road is a really old estate and i mean really old cos even though after all the upgrading has been done...well it's still old lo...Many old folks live here and when i walk to the hawker center nearby to dabao food, i see lotsa old ladies and old uncles either sitting at the void deck or walking around aimlessly. So much for the old and lonely...what happened this evening made me feel this ->人老了,就没用了吗? My anutie (my mum's elder sister), in her 70s, told me she wanted to die wif my grandma cos she feels useless. She insisted that i do not go pick her up tomorrow to attend grandma's cremation because she is going to jump down tonite. WTF, imagine my shock! Anyway, i have this guts feeling that she hadn't mean what she said..she was just seeking for somebody's, anybody's attention...and well, i happened to be there...damn it, for a moment i really thot she is going to jump, til she asked me to help her look for her housekeys. Anyway, i dun wanna live in Circuit road...i might just get depressed..

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

23 May, 2007 - Raffles Marina

Had to drag myself to work today because i had a meeting with our biggest supplier and i couldn't take leave cos i have unfinished work..but the consolation is, we had lunch at Raffles Marina and that place is so beautiful...kinda like the one in Punggol Marina. We sat by near the corner with a full view of all the yachts and the sea. My fish fillet was delicious, my apple juice taste just right and everything seems perfect..except that i wish i was in the company of frenz chatting and enjoying the scenery instead of being with a group of business associates making SMALL TALK. Today's topic somehow revolved around having babies and brands of diapers...stuff i have absolutely no interest in now. Apparently, it's "fashionable" to have a baby this year cos it's the year of the Golden Pig...crapo (*_*)

Got back to the office at 3pm and my inbox was flooded wif emails...had to spend the next 3 hours clearing them all cos i will be on leave on Wednesday and Thursday. Grandma's body will be cremated on all of us will have to keep a vigilant watch over the place these few nights...

I think i would want to have my body cremeted after i die...instead of burial. But i would like to donote watever organs of mine that is still useful..and i have told my family not to even think of throwing my ashes into the sea cos i am terrified of the sea...i mean the sea is so scary cos i dunno wats lurking beneath it. Anyway, i dunno where will ashes be kept in...and i dun think i care..anywhere but the sea geez pool ok since i can swim in a pool...

I hope everyone remains calm on Thursday, i doubt i can cry...i did not shed a drop of tear when my auntie was being cremated a year ago..not that i am not sad..i just didn't and couldn't cry..had to be strong for my family..this time it will be the same.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

22 May, 2007 - Feisty heaven above, happy and safe

Jervoise called me at about 2pm on a Sunday afternoon to tell me that grandma has passed away. I didn't noe how to react for a split second...i have already decided to visit her in the hospice later in the i did get to see her..but not in the hospice and she will be sleeping forever...

Grandma was baptised about 8 years ago, after being a staunch Taoist cum Buddhist for almost all her life. In my family, being a Christian will be frowned upon. Many years ago, when Grandpa converted to being a Christian and had a Christian wake when he passed away, all my aunties and uncles kicked a big fuss. I was only a little girl back then so i wouldn't have remembered but according to my mum, Grandpa was being ostracised for being a Christian and the uncle who brought him to church was being criticised by his own brothers and sisters. This evening Auntie Molly told us that a few years ago,Grandma had actually requested her neighbour to help her record her wish in a cassete tape to have a Christian wake in the event of her passing. Apparently, she did not want Uncle Charlie to be blamed for bringing her to church and she threatened to "come back" should anyone create a scene. Imagine Grandma doing that :) Feisty old lady and so typical of her. Most of all, such strong faith in God. She has always been a fighter and i wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of her temper when she is being provoked. She is as fiery as the chilli bla-chan that she in recent months, her children has to ask her to let go of life and go in peace..cos she was in too much pain and suffering...but she hung on, til she saw almost everyone. Hung on til yesterday.

The pastor said this evening that Grandma found peace and a fren in God. Though she has so many children and grandchildren, non could accompany her all the time. But the Holy spirit is always by her side and she prayed when she was in pain or when she was lonely. Accepting Christ has really mellow her...i only remember grandma sitting at her favourite spot smiling and drinking her stout in recent years...unlike in the past when she was so bad tempered and always frowning..

My grandma hadn't like me and Jervoise alot when we were kids cos we are Cantonese and somehow, she, a baba teochew, just dislike Cantonese (doesn't make sense). And it doesn't help that the 2 of us stayed with my Cantonese grandma on weekdays. Jervis was an exception since he was under her care from an infant til dunno how old hmmm But we became closer when i was assigned to take care of her in hospital during my school holidays when i was 15. That was the turning point of our relationship. Suddenly i was no longer the Cantonese granddaughter she didn't like, i am just Jio-min (my name pronounced this way in her Teochew accent) She would show me her collections of photographs hidden in soda biscuits tin containers. And tell me stories of so-and-so.

I am very sad that she is gone and i really want to cry..but i noe she is now in heaven, happier and free from all the physical pain..and i hold back my tears. At the age of 94, she has seen the war, went through the pain of the loss her husband, her daughter and son...we should be happy she is now with Him, safe and happy...i wonder if there is any stout in heaven

Friday, May 18, 2007

Thursday, May 17, 2007

17 May, 2007 - Fire drill & Building relationships

There was a fire drill this morning and everyone is suppose to gather at the carpark. Everybody is taking their time to walk down the stairs and i was wondering what would the scene be like if it's a real fire alarm. Errrm i even did some touch up on my make up (cos there are going to be many people in the carpark...ok i am vain wif a capital V), get my purse and handphone so that i can just go off for early lunch hahaha wah if it's a real fire alarm, i might just grab my bag and run :p

Still feeling under the weather so i got myself a ham and cheese sandwich for breakfast and chicken pie for lunch. Bought myself some flowers too keke, an Air Wick peach refreshener and put em' all on my desk :) i love the peachy smell...helps me keep the stress level down..i think i am obsessed wif this smell, i have it in my room, living room and car...i even made sure Jervoise has one in his car too, to get rid of the smell that lingers around after smoking muahahaha

Had a chat wif my ah beng bossy today, he said it's important to build relationships wif my suppliers and customers. Couldn't agree more wif him man, that's all i have been doing since i am here. Hala-ing wif everyone i meet, met,(going to meet) and i must say i enjoy strings attached..i mean i noe it's important to build relationship for work, career etc but i am doing it cos i love people..easier to do it wif no motive of "haha i am going to make use of you some day because we are building relationship now". Oh it helps that i can turn on my charm and smile as sweetly as possible *blink blink* But as i am in a not so good mood today, i stared hard at the flowers, breathe more peachy smell, try to smile and busy myself clearing emails instead of making small talks.

Anyway, it's still a beautiful day...Jervis is in Paris now hmmm i really really really miss bantering wif him..

Today, i repeatedly tell myself to stay focus and work hard for my dream. PMS spoils my mood...simply cranky and snappy today.

"The best people are the most difficult people to work with, because they have single minded ability to stay focus and tunnel vision."

i oso must have tunnel vision and stay very focus liao meow


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

16 May, 2007 - 细心的男人


Saw these golden words on TV this a scene in which my all time favourite actor, Tay Ping Hui, was struggling to end his affair or have one last shag hmmm haha maybe it's true that some men are like that...CH and cheeko (to redeem myself->not all men lo)

Then i think about why 细心的男人,最容易打动女人的心...and i figured that all women want to be treated like delicate princess by men ;) me included..tho i am "manly" in my own quirky ways keke i like the idea of a 细心坏男人 hahaha men who are attentive to women, who treats women in gentlemanly manners are very charming...oh and men who appreciates women ;)

Here's my little special corner for you as promised :)
My fren was telling me she wants to go for counselling wif her guy but he is resistant to the idea. I feel she is not happy wif him..she has been griping about him alot but yet, she is unable to leave him...cos of the flat, the car, kid and alot of of other stuff. Why wun he just go for the counselling??? Pride or watever..just like my colleague's hubby who refused to go for the anger management course. Anyway, each time she wants to communicate wif him about any issue, he shuts her saying she is picking on him, that's about all, so there is nothing to talk sad and too bad. She said there is no more passion in the relationship, she dun feel for him as before and she dun even mind not seeing him, should she drop him? or continue for old times sake? I wonder if people stay together in relationships for convenience sake hmmm hey gal, call me if u need help, my phone is 24/7 for ya..if he hits you, i'm gonna kick him there.
Do whatever you think is best or acceptable for yourself...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

13 May, 2007 - Solid weekend

Haven't got enough rest this weekend again...

Left office early to have dinner with my colleagues at Marche in Vivocity on Friday and the pork knuckers were superb! There were about 20 of us and we occupied 3 long tables near the entrance...and there was a really long queue outside so imagine our stress..getting stared at by those in the queue. Headed down to Clinic in Clark Quay for drinks after that and i discovered the wonders of Martell with peach cooler haha nice drink. My first cheong session with my colleagues :) they really party hard and work equally hard as well...we seldom talk in the office because all of us are so busy trying to get work done so it's a refreshing change to see them let their hair down keke and the music was too loud to make small talk haha Anyway so much for team bonding..

Saturday - Had to go to my auntie's place to celebrate Candice's sweet 16th birthday. Got her a black leather Swatch watch with flower mortiffs printed on the strap, heng i chose black cos Grace said she likes everything not loud :) unlike the 2 of us hahaha Anyway, i ate like there is no tomorrow! Ate almost 6 of my favourite kuey pie ti, 2 plates of Uncle SengHua's fried prawn Hokkien mee, half a sting ray, 2 ang ku keuys, some satays,otahs and hotdogs, not forgeting the birthday cake! Alamak...gotta do some damage control this week...but i dun regret 1 bit keke good food is worth the errrmmm inconvenience of having to put up with a thicker waist temperory for this week muahahaha

Startling discovery for me this weekend...EVERYONE knows how to play pool in my family EXCEPT ME!!! My dad, aunties, my cousins and they are really good!!! The youngest player is 14 lo!!! I think the only people around the house who dunno how to play are me and my granny ^_^' Shucks, i am gonna learn it n play it well...or at least passable la...Gracie is leaving this week to States and when she is back, we will head down to Zouk with the kiddos keke awwwwwwwh dun i just love my family

Had to wake up at 7am this morning, go pick my bro and meet Mark in church. I am in a zombie state cos i slept at 3am...met up with frens for karaoke cum drinking seesion after Candice's party. (always also not enough sleep like this i will become haggard looking sooner or later man...since i am no longer in my 20s, which means my skin cannot rejuvenate as well as before) Anyway heck it for now, we had lunch together after that and today was special...cos Jervoise open up to me in front of Mark :) anyway not gonna touch on that one, just know i am deliriously happy again this weekend ;)

We have choices to be optimistic and happy...cos it's all in your mind which attributes to your attitude. Allow yourself time to be sad, break down and be vulnerable but make sure to remember to get out of the black hole...otherwise we get sucked in deeper and deeper til we forget what's our purpose to be the worst scenerio. I always believe that life is a journey, for me to have fun, be sad, be excited, be anything and feel whatever i wanna feel, and most of all, for me to discover about myself and explore everything new...better to live life consciously, even if i am just following the flow sometimes..i might just learn something, then being absorbed with "what's life?" and forget to enjoy the experience. If the 3 of you are reading this, i hope you will be truly happy..

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

9 May, 2007 - Small Talks

What's small talk? The dictionary defines it as light conversation; chitchat...

Anyway, i dun like to make small talk. It's either chat to connect or no talk at all. And most of all, small talks make me feel sleepy. But i realised that this is not feasible cos i need to make small talks with most of the people i meet on a working day so i am making small talks even though i dun like to do it. Do i have a choice? Ya, sure...dun bother and that means no relationship building no matter how superficial it's gonna be AND that means i am no team player. Or make small talks to ensure that at least there are some interactions going matter what type of relationships will be formed out of that chat. I am drinking 3 cups of coffee a day to keep me awake and alert sigh

Anyway, today we had lunch with some suppliers and i found myself making small talks effortlessly..gosh have i become a fakey or am i just getting polished hahaha then i realised that as we are talking about some general topics like travelling, food, places etc, i can still get to know the person bit by bit...except maybe at a slower rate. And i do have a genuine interest in him/her. So now i have a mission...the unrelentless persuit of brushing up my communication skills...should be easy since i love long as i dun meet my 3 pet peeves in people namely 1) Hypocrites 2) Selfishness 3) Malicious gossipers

k fren, let's work on tis together since u are the one who inspired me to learn communication ;) Hey i like the Tepanyakki..soooo salty and tasty...din like the dao gays tho..wish they plucked the ends...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Nice Song

In God's Hands - Nelly Furtado

I looked at your face I saw that all the love had died
I saw that we had forgotten to take the time
I, I saw that you couldn't care less about what you do
Couldn't care less about the lies
You couldn't find the time to cry

We forgot about love
We forgot about faith
We forgot about trust
We forgot about us

Now our love's floating out the window
Our love's floating out the back door
Our love's floating up in the sky in heaven
Where it began back in God's hands

You said that you had said all that you had to say
You said baby it's the end of the day
And we gave a lot but it wasnm't enough
We got so tired that we just gave up

We didn't respect it
We went and neglected it
We didn't deserve it
But I never expected this

Our love floated out the window
Our love floated out the back door
Our love floated up in the sky to heaven
It's part of a plan
It's back in God's hands
Back in God's hands

It didn't last
It's a thing of the past
Oh we didn't understand
Just what we had
Oh I want it back
Just what we had
Oh I want it back
Oh just what we had

Monday, May 7, 2007

7 May, 2007 - Jervis's backpacking journey starts today

Rushed to finish my work today and cleared as many emails as possible cos i need to leave the office early to send Jervis to the airport. We got there at 6.00 and helped him check-in his lugguge or rather his back pack... Seeing him wif his duffel bag across his shoulder wif a blur look on his face..i pray that he is going to be ok when he gets to London...and not start losing things... when we say bye, i almost feel like tearing sigh

Just last Monday we were at Mustafa getting his multi vitamins cos he thinks he is going to be under nourished from eating instant noodles and biscuits. Hmmm my little bro has grown up woohoo! I used to bring him to watch movies when he was a kid and he would be jumping around the cinema...and i would be screaming at him to sit down. Then he would look forlorn and sulk on his seat keke now he is going to be backpacking to Europe :D i am really gonna miss him...and tease him wif the "Bedok, there's everything in Bedok" song haha And i am supposed to be running quite a number of errands for him while he is away...drats...

Anyway, i went wif Jervoise to collect golf stuff at my uncle's place and we saw a pool table in replacement of the dinning table! ZEH MO lei!! Great, we will be playing pool on Saturday hahaha Jervoise is a PRO in snooker and i din even noe! He has been playing snooker since his teens and he has a personal cue lei..seow seow He was teaching me about how there are 9 points on the white ball bla bla bla and how to hit the ball to get it bla bla bla and i'm like ok ok just pass me the cue and let me try 1st la chey

Think i have been so busy at work that i haven't have the time to feel lost...that might be a good thing cos i am just living life the way i think it should be now. My family first and then i start to feel grounded and the rest will fall in place. Will be eating more of mum's cooking keke and of cos hearing more of her naggings too lo...oh and also my dad's luo li luo suo...and i can only pester Jervoise now that Jervis is on holiday.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

6 May, 2007 - The importance of Prayer

This weekend seems to be gone in a flash but it has been a really fulfilling one. Watch "The Persuit of Happyness" on friday, met up with Esther for Saturday breakfast (feel so happy to see you again keke, just like old times), watched "Spiderman" on Saturday. (Love Happyness but didn't like Spidy) Practiced playing pool too...tho i think i dun have good ball sense but i am not giving up...chey wun be defeated by a few small coloured balls hahaha

Anyway the most important thing that happened this weekend is, Jervoise went church with me! It's incredulous cos' i have asked him to attend church with me a few times and it's always negative.

Me: boy, let's go Mark's church lei, Justine and Yvonne keep inviting us, ask fei zai go also la
Jervoise: 不要啦姐。。。我不要去
Me: aiyah...chey...always play life lei, and getting FAT!! Need pillow to support your tummy some more!!! wah lau pengz
Jervoise: 你叫Mark跟你去lo .......
Me: chey, i want you go ma, can meet gals going home liao
Jervoise: Orrrhh bye 姐 (eyes stuck to the monitor playing WOW)
Me: *fuming* bye boy, bye boy, bye boy, bye boy, bye boy, BYE BOY

God answered my prayer. I was feeling guilty and lousy for not having been attending church for almost 2 weeks and i was thinking i should go to Mark's church since i know most of his cell group friends from all the bbqs that we had. But when i went home on Saturday, Jervoise told me he is going to Mark's church on Sunday and i was like yippe yay!!! I was sooooooo happy cos i actually intended to go alone anyway, now it's like God has planned everything for me :) And the most touching
thing is, Haibiao, an atheist stayed up to wake me up for the morning service. The phone rang and i had to rush to get ready cos i 赖床...So Ronnie, Jervoise and me met for breakfast and go get spiritually charged on a beautiful Sunday. But i was so sleepy cos i slept at 4 in the morning and woke up at 7...panda eyes but worth it. Anyway 7 May, 2007, the day we accepted God into our lives again. Going to mark this day in my diary and celebrate it next year.

And Jervis is going backpacking tomorrow, be gone for almost 2 months...gosh am i gonna miss him :( so i spent the rest of the day chatting with him and going through all the items to be packed into that big duffel bag. Errrrr me affected with lethargy and doze off...and wake up just in time for dinner hahaha my mum prepared dinner and i tucked into 2 bowls of rice happily cos i missed her cooking.

This has gotta be happiest day this week.

Friday, May 4, 2007

3 May, 2007 - Lunch at Parkway Parade

Had lunch at Parkway Parade today cos it was raining and no one wants to get wet from stepping on muddy grounds...

The hot babe i mentioned before is forthright and kinda open too. She shared with us about her marriage over coffee at Ak Kun loti keke Apparently, her hubby is a very bad tempered guy and has even tried to hit her when he is mad. She tried asking him to go for anger management courses but pride prevented him for going. Tho' she has walked out on him a few times, he always managed to win her back...i think she puts up with his nonsense cos of their daughter and stays clear of show downs with him by going drinking almost every other nites... Beneath that veneer and poise, is a woman with so much pain and misery...

Anyway, her advice to single gals on which are the top 3 types of men to avoid.

1) Bad tempered guys
2) Gamblers
3) Possessive guys
4) Violent guys

It's refreshing to have someone be so honest and open once in a while and i like her. Another colleague shares with us about how her dad has hit her mum...driving her mum to suicide (luckily the tie snapped and she is still alive) And another colleague shares about how her bf of 10 years cheated her into buying a car and leaving her for another woman...

This is by far the best lunch i had. Honesty, openness and no pretence. I think i might have found the right place and i thank God for that. Only downside is perhaps the workload, it's really busy but i should be thankful that i am learning lotsa new things. :) Be grateful since nothing is perfect...hey bak bak sistas, both of you are absolutely rite keke

Ecclesiastes 2: 1-14, 24-26

From Rob Lacey's - the word on the street (Biblical verses in "streets" language)

I thought (and my gut agreed), Right, let's take this pleasure thing all the way, see if it works. But it was pointless, totally pointless. "Laughter's a waste of energy," I said. "what good does it do?" I tried wine, see if that could lighten the mood. I tried messing around - all deliberate experimentation, desparate to work out if anything was worth squat in the few years we've got on this backwater of a planet.

I buried myself if work, took on worthy projects. Built houses, set up business, made gardens and parks, planted every fruit tree you can think of.

Whatever I fancied, I bought. Whatever caught my eye, I went for it and sucked the life out of it. There was some job satisfaction in making things, some sort of pay-off for my hard work. But when I sat back and assessed it all, when I did a stocktake of all I'd made happen, I still thought, What's the point? Why chase wind? Am I any better off than I was?

Then I mulled over the word wisdom for a while, grappled with insanity and stupidity, trying to make some sense of it all. What's the next king going to do that I've not already done? I made some progress: wisdom outguns stupidity, like light overpowers darkness. Wise people use the eyes in their head, while the stupid grope around in the dark. Some progress. But then - they both die in the end, so what's the point?

What more can a guy do than eat, drink and get some sort of satisfaction from his work? But even this is subject to God handing it over, for without God around, who can eat and enjoy? If, somehow, we please God - he doles out wisdom, understanding, contentment. But if we wind him up - he makes us work our socks off just to hand it over to the ones he's taken a liking to. Pointless wind chasing.

Bak bak sistas...wif love

I really must have this here..such an apt description of the 3 of us ya ;)

My Bak Bak Sistas
A little introduction to the bak bak sistas:

Cancer - A strong level headed mum-to-be and a homely Cancer whom we all love. She speaks what is on her mind and does not care if she offends you or not. She can be a super career woman when she wants to be and fully believes that when you put your heart and soul in a matter, you can accomplish anything. A true no-nonsense kinda lady who will not hesitate to reason it out with you and will give you advice. Be warn if you do not heed her advice, unless you are one of her trusted aides, she has no patience for fools. A tough one not to be reckon with. She'll keep the trio in check when there is a need.

Leo - A strong Leo who puts on a brave front for so long that she has indeed become so brave and strong that it has become a second nature to her. A true believer who seldom wavers in her belief unless proven wrong and like a Lion, never keeps interest in a particular matter for long. A true loyal friend who places very high expectations from herself as well as from her trusted aides and expects total loyalty and friendship in return. A vain Leo this is I must add. She'll liven the trio with her laughter when she is around.

Libra - A peace-loving libran who always tries to balance and do her utmost best to maintain peace and harmony. Standing in the shoes of others and trying to think from both parties point of view can be viewed as indecisive at times and without a mind of her own. This Libran tends to seek advice and counsel from her trusted aides and makes up her own mind as she gets a clearer picture of what she wants. A truely adaptable aquatic creature who is like water - takes the form of whatever she decides to. A perpertual latecomer who is trying to reform. She'll try her best to keep the trio happy with her balancing act.

The three sistas with characters as different as can be, bound together by years of friendship. We have been through thick and thin, friendship and trust nurtured and nourished over the years. We survived the test of time and distance and we'll cherish this friendship as long as can be.

yup, i totally agree, we have our ups and downs and clashes of opinions but we will always be sistas and best of friends cos we complement each other. Most of all, i love both of you to bits.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Bad Luck

Bad Luck

A man was walking across the road when he met with an accident. The impact was on his head which caused him to be in a coma for 2 days. When he opened his eyes, his wife was by his side.

He told her (in tears), "When I was struggling with my studies in the University, I failed again and again. Sometimes I even have to re-take my papers. You were there by my side, encouraging me to go on trying."

She squeezed his hands as he continued, "When I went for major interviews and failed to clinch any of the jobs, you were there, cutting our job ads for me to apply..."

He added, " ...then I started working in this little firm and finally got a big contract. I blew it because of a small mistake. But you are still there for me."

His wife was in tears. The man said, "I finally got a job after being laid off for quite some time. But I never seem to be promoted and my hard work was not recognised. I remained in the same position from the day I joined the company till now. You are still beside me..."

His wife's tears trickled down as she listened to him, "And now I met with an accident and when I woke up, you are here with me.

There's something I'll really like to say to you..." She flung herself on the bed and hug her husband, sobbing with deep emotion.

Finally her husband said, "I think you bring me bad luck."