Thursday, May 24, 2007

23 May, 2007 - Simple joys of life

I get to be a housecat for half a day today...did some housework, in fact plenty of housework, before heading to the wake at 3pm. Felt good to be sitting by the window at 10am staring out into space doing nothing but daydreaming, hearing birds chirping and children laughing in the playground. That's what i wanna do wif my life...i mean in the morning. Wake up at 9am, play some music and have my is if i can have my coffee in East Coast and take a slow drive down ECP. Then maybe start work at 1pm doing what i love doing..being a make up artist haha enjoying the simple joys of life. I must remind myself to MAKE IT HAPPEN and MAKE IT WORK

Circuit road is a really old estate and i mean really old cos even though after all the upgrading has been done...well it's still old lo...Many old folks live here and when i walk to the hawker center nearby to dabao food, i see lotsa old ladies and old uncles either sitting at the void deck or walking around aimlessly. So much for the old and lonely...what happened this evening made me feel this ->人老了,就没用了吗? My anutie (my mum's elder sister), in her 70s, told me she wanted to die wif my grandma cos she feels useless. She insisted that i do not go pick her up tomorrow to attend grandma's cremation because she is going to jump down tonite. WTF, imagine my shock! Anyway, i have this guts feeling that she hadn't mean what she said..she was just seeking for somebody's, anybody's attention...and well, i happened to be there...damn it, for a moment i really thot she is going to jump, til she asked me to help her look for her housekeys. Anyway, i dun wanna live in Circuit road...i might just get depressed..

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