Thursday, May 17, 2007

Today, i repeatedly tell myself to stay focus and work hard for my dream. PMS spoils my mood...simply cranky and snappy today.

"The best people are the most difficult people to work with, because they have single minded ability to stay focus and tunnel vision."

i oso must have tunnel vision and stay very focus liao meow


1 comment:

charles said...

That is right stay focus and work hard only use the time to develop your sense of humor at those serious down times when your mood is bad, read a joke book, try to tell a joke, read one of those lost love novels, eat ice cream and pie, treat yourself to a spa treatment, do your nails, workout hit and kick a punching bag, do tae bo, run a mile, walk a mile, lift weights, not too hard don't get to muscular guys will get scared to hit on you and try to date you. Go to museum,zoological or botanical gardens take plenty of pictures and use camcorder. If that do no work go to a sex club. On second thought wait a little while and then go. Force yourself to laugh ,its tough, make a joke out of it that helps. The best comfort is to read the bible and see what it says about peace, love, joy, comfort, hope and a better system of things. Loves and kisses.