Thursday, October 11, 2007

10 October, 2007 - Obedience

The message on my calender today is on obedience...if that's God's way of talking to me, i wonder what is it that i have not been obeying... am i still holding onto a worldly mindset like what Daryl said...what is it that i have done or have not done? If struggle is good cos it's a sign of a breakthrough, then i am really struggling. Struggle is cos i am now aware of God's words and am comparing it against human mindset. I am no nun and i am certainly not perfect...but i am trying to read as much bible as possible and trying even harder to be obedient. Maybe i should really just disappear and hibernate for awhile...maybe hide away in Cambodia and get away from it all...maybe searching for a "self" needs to be done in solitude.

And i really wonder when will the cough goes away..i don't like the way i sound now cos i sound like an ah gua...and i am almost close to like having an asthma attack drats :(

What would i do to change my mindset willingly? Please don't start let me have weird ideas again...

Matthew 7:21
Not everyone who says to me,"Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who does the will of of my Father who is in heaven..

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