Sunday, October 21, 2007

18 October, 2007 - Letter to the exiles

Happy day today, cos' my colleague has shared with me on a very good brassiere brand hahaha very good support for busty gals. I always thought her bosoms look so round and full and i like looking at her womanly figure...nothing skinny but very curvy. Too bak bak maybe...but cos' of he way she juts her twin peaks forward and shoulders back, i just like looking at her kekeke (i am straight, very straight) Anyway, to buy pretty brassiere in Singapore for busty gals is a hassle and a challenge. It's either in ugly colours and bad designs or no stock indefinitely...saved for Marks & Spencer, almost all the brands here seem to cater to our not so well endowed really have to check out that brand this weekend hahaha

Met up with Daryl for dinner at Ding Tai Feng this evening. And to prove that i will and shall and can be on time, i left the office at 6pm sharp hahaha although looking at all the undone emails make me feel slightly, actually very, off-balanced, i just didn't want to be late and get laughed at hmmm anyway, had wanted to go get an eye liner from MAC from Robinsons just before our appointment but's out of stock!! arrrggghhhh what am i going to do without it. BUT, the 小笼包 more than made up for the eye liner hohoho wah after all the food, i felt fat but happy.

Had coffee at starbucks and chatted, always good and therapeutic to have some fellowship with my spiritual mentor :) Today, i learnt that i have got to have some goals and vision for it in my spiritual path, my family, marriage andmy career...or life in general. I am not an ambitious girl...all i want is happiness and peace in every sense. Anyway, learnt a few strategy tricks and build-relationship-with-suppliers tips from Daryl today as well.

This is the verse that made me left Achieva to join here. I took the plunge solely based on this a time when i was trying to find my way back from backsliding...doing things my own way...fumbling and tumbling...
Jeremiah 29: 11-14
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me , and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,"declares the Lord,"and will bring you back from captivity.

Being here brought me closer to God. At least i am attending church faithfully without fail every weekend and i am going to join a cell in my new church. A church that has always allowed me to feel His presence. And i am reminded of the power of prayers...since school time, and about renewing my relationship and my walk with God.

This evening, Daryl said where i am now may be like an exile land. Jeremiah 29 is about a letter to the exiles. Went home and re-read the chapter to find some meaning and sense..
Jeremiah 29: 6-7
".......Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper."

I wondered if that means i should pray for more business and less issues in order to generate more incentives. And in the process, continue praying for those in my 100k blessings booklet or maybe for whoever in need so that His name is glorified. Seek advice.

Excepts from Answers to Life's difficult Questions.
How can I live above average?
1) Get a great ambition, a glimpse of what God wants to do in your life
2) Get a growing faith in God, a faith that enables you to expect the impossible
3) Establish a genuine prayer life, one that depends on God as you work toward your dream.

Ambition is neither good nor bad; it's just a basic drive in life. Many people today just drift through life. They have no goals, no master plan, no overall purpose, and no ambition. As a result, they never accomplish much. They simply exist. The first priciple of living above average is that you need a great ambition. You need a dream. If you don't have a dream, you are drifting. When you stop dreaming, you start dying. When you stop setting goals, you stop growing. You've got to have something that you're pushing toward, a goal of excellence. As long as your horizon is expanding, you'll be an emotionally healthy human being. God made you for growth; He wants you to grow and stretch and develop. God has a purpose in your life, and your key to success is to discover that purpose and cooperate with it. God has never intended for you to go through life with a halfhearted attitude,wondering what you are doing and where you're going. God wants you to have a great ambition. A life with no challenges and no goals can be summed up with one word: boredom.

Well, i have 2 dreams but i am not sure if that counts as great ambitions. But at least i have dreams and maybe i should pray and ask Him for help :)

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