Sunday, October 7, 2007

7 October, 2007 - Sex & the City Nite Out

The bak bak sista made a pact last year during Rub's birthday celebration at Pan Pacific hotel...that we will have a Sex & the City theme outing sometime soon...and the pact finally materialised this Saturday on Oct 6! We drew lots to decide which character we were to take on...Yan is classically no nonsense Miranda, Rub is aptly the ever-sweet Charlotte and me the mismatch as the very sexual Samantha. We were supposed to do this last year and then postponed to early this year and wah..only happened exactly one year after Rub's birthday...sigh..time really flies

Anyway i painted my nails red and made my eyes as smoky looking as possible...wore the tightest dress in red heels and still cannot pull off the "Samantha" look haiz Yan looked just like how Miranda should look in her beige dress shift dress and light make-up. Rub look, well, just like Charlotte and herself...sweet and complete with pearls :) I am just so "Carrie"...

Dinner at La something, an italian restaurant in Dempsey Hill. We ordered a huge pizza, bread basket and a bottle of white. Everything was correct, the mood, the ambience, the food but the service. Damn, we paid good money for bad service. The waitress spilled water over the table and on my phone, no apologies from her and no attempts to clean up the mess.

Yan: Do you think there will be discounts for any credit cards?
Rubs: Errm can ask.
Waitress: *shouting across tables* there is no discount for any cards

Fwah damn rude lo, anyway, we made a compliant on her to the manager hahaha so bad of us but she really ought to learn about manners.

Went to dragonfly and watch William Scorpion, have beer, vodka lime, fries, wedges and water. And by 1+, we felt sleepy. Sleepy only cos i am not feeling well, Yan and Rubs are probably old hahahahaha sorry gals ;)

Thank God for friends :)

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