Tuesday, October 16, 2007

16 October, 2007 - I am not a perfect person

Don't know what made me call up the community service from church and ask them about the missing email from them. Supposed to go for the personality screening this Saturday but til now, i hadn't receive any details...and found out that the date has been changed. As if it's not bad enuff, my particulars were lost! "How come like that??" was what i wanted to say over the phone...anyway, now i am safely in the volunteer list again and i made sure he repeated my number and email before i hang up.

Had lunch at Jump Start alone today, need to read the bible and find some answers and also needed a little get-away-from-it-all cos' feeling sulky about my voice..just don't feel like being part of the crowd making small talks. I enjoyed my solitary lunch retreat having sandwich, salad and tea. The perfect make-do side-walk cafe around this area...the salad sucks though. Pray, read and write.

The sign that i should do volunteer work?? ^_^
Job 29: 12-16
"Because i rescued the poor who cried for help, and the fatherless who had none to assist him. The man who was dying blessed me; I made the widow's heart sing. I put on righteuosnes as my clothing; justice was my robe and my turban. I was eyes to the blind and feet to the lame. I was a father to the needy; I took up the case of the stranger."

I hope it will be a stint in Cambodia one day...when i am spiritually ready...to fight against child prostitition. F**k that trade! Daryl, i know i am not ready, i will drop my plans for this December.

Went to the wake of Nat Chaeng's mum this evening. The pastor said something that made my heart stir...

No one is perfect, if people has to be perfect in order to go to heaven, then probably both you and I can't go. So God has 2 plans for entry to heaven.

Plan A: Be a perfect person, live the prefect life, do the perfect things. (But can you and I do this? NO) SO GOD HAS PLAN B :)

Plan B: Believe in Him, for I am the truth, I am the way... etc (i cannot remind the verse :l )

Do not let fear trapped you, bring everything to the Lord. (This is really an important sentence today for i have fear in my heart this morning...fear of communicating honestly about my thoughts with someone close...)

Some messages that i want to remember:-
lim says:
life is more than our situation...we always focus on our situation and restrict ourselves...

lim says:
when your mindset is transform little by little...few YEARS LATER..U WILL ABLE TO SEE GREAT DIFFERENT

Idiosyncratic Maine says:
i just hope to be able to do volunteering work soon

lim says:

lim says:
focus on God...doing is later..focus on God ...focus on God....this is all.

lim says:
make sure u do it

I also have to pray for my PM for his business to grow, less issues, less stress, more free time and more regional exposure for himself..so pray and pray and pray ya. Good relationship with Him but i still want to club sometimes *hohoho dun puke blood

Life is as such...we tend to take lot of things for granted. We only choose to see what we lack and who we are not...i am guilty of that when i am being agitated, emotional and not logical. So i have to make sure my logical side stays with me often heh heh once i get emotional, i get crappy and i think rubbish and act on impulse...then i need someone to keep me grounded and talk sense into me again...perhaps i need to learn not to show my emotions on my face..hide my sad, angry, upset, bothered or fed up expressions. So people can't tell hahahahaha so hard

For now, life is beautiful and i am a very blessed gal and i love my family and friends.

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