Thursday, October 11, 2007

11 October, 2007 - Facebook??

I miss clubbing..i really do...and it's not holding the mug of beer in my hand that i miss, i miss being on the dance floor making love to the music...dancing to my own beat, lost in my own world...i supposed as long as i don't dink so much and get drunk, i should be fine :)

Rubs, we will go ok? When we have got all your cosmetics ready, we will go enjoy ourselves...maybe we can go with my new found friend, she can really drink and she can give us discount at Sole Lovers pedicure friend ;)

For some strange reason, i felt like disappearing from everyone today..i wanted to hide away from all...i wish i was at the seaside having coffee and staring at the sky. Maybe it's my eye..i think it's abit swollen.

Facebook...i first saw this word in my hotmail email sent to me by a friend in Hong Kong inviting me to join her facebook. I thought it was some sort of virus email and i deleted it. Then a few days later, i got an invitation from another friend to join facebook, thinking "wah damn! must be some damn powerful virus going around" and deleted the email as well...then more deleting done and then i heard about FACEBOOK, something similar to friendster. To think i have been deleting all my friends invitation!! And i got myself an account cos Daryl said he has one and asked if i have an account too!!! Wah how can i not be in facebook when Daryl, someone who just discovered the beauty of msn this year, has an account! And err (sorry Daryl) he is older than me heh heh Ego thing... okok worldly mindset :P

Drove to Siglap with Jervis for cheesecakes BUT it's sold out damn! We settled for waffles at Gelare instead...i really love staying in Bedok with my family, i am so glad to have Jervis and Jervoise, really love the both of them :) tho' they made me pour water, fetch their stuff for them around the house, wash the dishes...(hmmm) but i don't really mind, i am happy just having them around.

Somebody find me!!! I do not want to be in hibernation mode for long...

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