Thursday, November 29, 2007

29 November, 2007 - Galatians

Am sitting here starting to blog when my test is tomorrow awwwhhh ain't i hardworking tsk tsk Why is there so many things to do in my life and so little discipline???

Alex is an interesting guy, he told me to read the verse below today...while chasing after me for his samples.

Galatians 5:19
When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outburst of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Back to looking at the book..received an "all the best" sms from Edwin to do well for the test tomorrow. Touched...cos' it's really all these little things that matter most to me..thank you for the care and concern that makes everything seems brighter :)

28 November, 2007 - MSN-ing -> Instant Messenging

MSN, skype, icq and yahoo - instant messenging tools that are so essential in our life now..or at least mine.

There is even a whole list of emoticons to select from, depending on the mood that you are in. It's communication without having to look at the other person face to face, within our control to think as long as we want before typing what we want to "say". To me, it's really just another mode of communication :) I like msn, because it's so convenient to use and when i am connected, i can reach out to my friends. We can use msn to share secrets silently haha, show angry emoticons when it's difficult to say it face to face, show crying emoticons when you really want to cry but you don't want anyone to see your smudged mascara and pathetic state of teary eyes etc best of all, i have fun with all the emoticons ;)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

27 November, 2007 - Good Bye 732

Woke up at 6.30am again and this is bad..i felt so sleepy in the afternoon when the trainer was yakking away...and me was really close to being in day-dream mode. Jialat man...wonder how am i going to take the test at this rate...

Went to our old place to take a look for a last time. This place felt like a ghost town now..almost everyone has left this little estate because they are going to seal up this place soon.

I am crazy to feel attached to a place, just can't help it. I think this is the last time that i am stepping foot here haiz...

Monday, November 26, 2007

26 November, 2007 - Classes in Tiong Bahru

Woke up at 6.30am this morning and dar sent me to Tiong Bahru for class. I miss being a student heh heh went for classes sans make up today just to feel like a student :p Met Amy for breakfast at Ah Kun at 8am and both of us are like zombies..

Excel never fails to amaze me, period. I like the bit about how to do the sub-totals and data validation...zeh mo steady lei knowledge is power hahaha but there are so many formulas and functions to remember...i hope i will be able to remember whatever i have learnt to last til Friday. Lunch with Fenn, Amy, Chinyiang and Catherine today at the food court. Topic was about how bitchy the banking industry can be & how Singapore men are enamoured by girls from China. Will you sleep with your client in order to close a big deal? Apparently, some women do and in the banking industry, it's all about keeping up with appearances. Maybe when you are young and impressionable, it seems ok to throw caution into the wind and sleep your way up. But then again, i think it's all about personal upbringing, morales and integrity. I know there should be no grey area about this issue but i really think it's a personal we should not judge.

Why are women from China seemingly more appealing to Singapore men? Or rather, are Singapore women losing our charms? The other day, both Edwin and Alex said girls from Singapore are so materialistic and high maintenance...and Singapore girls have a "say" (read in hokkien). Daryl mentioned something about prefering girls not from our sunny island too and his wifey is from KL ;) What's up with our men? Is it THE retaliation from our men? For so long, female magazines have ran articles after articles about how unromantic the average Singapore men were as compared to their western counterparts. (like i am a closet spg...) Anyway, i heard our sisters from China or anywhere else in asia are gentle to their men and are "sai nai" enough to make men feel like really manly. Perhaps this is something we need to learn :p

Saw this on Richard's msn -> "Men are like dogs, they need to be trained" hahahahaha coming from a man, it's funny

Went to Mt Alvernia to visit Pearline this evening, baby Nic is so cute and is another unsuccessful natural birth switch to cesarean birth..when i hear her describe the process, my knees felt wobbly. I hear things like contractions, cut, pool of blood, stitching, injection, knees really felt weak and i think my heart must have skipped a beat. I am glad my biological clock, or rather the lack of it, is not ticking.

25 November, 2007 - Clueless?

JFK sent me to church this morning and i was early. Thank God cos' i can go get breakfast at Hans. We have a guest speaker today, Pastor Ong Seng Liang. Topic today is about how men can actually be rather flippant in our relationship with God.

Man A: Are you going to church next week
Man B: Dunno lei, see how la, if not busy can go lo
Man A: Can like that wan meh?
Man B: Aiya, if go holiday then cannot go church oso ma

I think he meant that we view going to church as an obligation rather than something we really want to do.

Anyway, for the past two weeks or so, i feel that have been praying less and spending less time reading the bible. And last week at church was a complete mess for me...cos' i was not really paying attention. Today's topic was good...cos i am reminded that i should start spending more time with Him again. Eric,fellow CCSS volunteer, caught me sitting at a corner day dreaming and insisted on praying for me. Did not have much of a choice cos' he walked over, grabbed both my hands and say "let's pray"...but i was really touched by what he did. Because as usual, i was struggling on whether if i should walk up to the altar and reaffirm my faith but somehow, my feet are always glued to where i am standing. He prayed for me to find my directions and leave all to God...that i will always have His blessings, that He loves me for who i am, that i will always have peace and that i will always have faith in Him. Maybe He sent Eric to pray this prayer for me..i have been in a really restless mood for some time again, not because life is too good and i am too free to feel this way. Life is good..true.

Daryl,let's meet up soon now that you are back from Shanghai. Where is my 小笼包?

Went to Stephen and Elaine's new place for dinner this eveng. There were 4 babies who were born this year and the whole place was filled with kids! As i listen to the babies cry, shit, drink milk and crawl, i am reminded of why i have no interest in having my own kids. While it was fun to carry them around for AWHILE, i think i will go crazy if i am stuck with babies' cries...i really cannot handle it man wah sai... i supposed the biologial clock has disappeared...just when it barely appears hahaha i love babies and kids when they are not mine ;)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

24 November, 2007 - Orchard :)

We taught the elderly people to string beads together so that CCSS can sell them for charity. As i watched this po-po try so hard to string the beads together, i cannot help think about my late ah-ma who passed away in May this year. She looks just like ah-ma, thin, frail, sunken cheeks with glasses perched on her nose, short snow white hair. Anyway, i learnt today that the elderly have problems stringing the black beads and the crystal beads together. Just imagine, i can make those intricate crystal jewelleries and ear rings deftly (considering the fact that i am a very clumsy gal with butter fingers) now, one day, i will be old and possibly sitting at one of those long tables staring into space. Better make our lives mean something while it lasts.


Went Bugis/Orchard with Rubes and her SIL to check out LV bags. I am obsessed with my hair..spent close to 80 bucks on hair products again. And bought an eyelash builder..thanks to Rubes's itchy hands. This product claims to be able to strengthen our lashes and make it grow longer muahahaha. We are such suckers for gimmicks and products that are directly associated with vanity.

This a happy Saturday, JFK picked me from Wisma and we met up with mum, Jervoise and Jervis in Robinsons at Centerpoint. Feels great just walking down Orchard with them. Jervis has grown up to be a handsome young man and Jervoise is going to be stuck as a 肥的刘德华 gosh... Mum is shopping around for bed sheets and some kitchen knick knacks. JFK bought a pair of swimming trucks for himself and a set of bikini for me yay we are going to hit the pool at my parents' place soon :)

After dinner, we cramped into Jervoise's room to pig out on Ben & Jerry's ice cream and "burn" cds hahaha life is so much better with family around.

Mum & me :)

Everything's magical during Christmas

Saturday, November 24, 2007

23 November, 2007 - Homo Sapiens

Jin How's last day today. I supposed the of there will be more after the year ends. Is the grass always greener on the other side? I supposed most times it's our attitude and the angle of our point of view.

Tonight, at 11.30pm, has got to be the latest that i ever stayed working in the office. I enjoy working with my PM, he works hard and i prefer to work with people who just put in the effort to mean something. It's so quiet and peaceful to work at night. It's nice to work real hard and party as hard...except that i have not been partying. Damn. When there are not many people around at work and there are many empty desks around, there seems to be a connection between you and the workplace. Like you are in an empty office working "out of office" working hours, it almost feels surreal. Then during the day time, you can see the stark difference. Like how day time is reality working world and night time is virtual working world...and you are part of both worlds. I am writing crap.

Sometimes i think all these emails are like ping pong balls..except that you are not playing with one ball but a few balls at a time. So you reply as much emails as possible and that's tantamount to throwing the balls back to the other side of the court. As long as the balls are not sitting in your court, you are safe in the game. Otherwise, the referee comes along and "yellow card" you...that's tantamount to being judged by management, colleagues, suppliers and customers. (I know "yellow card" is for soccer but i have no idea how are ping pong ball games being judged) Sometimes, it's actually quite gratifying to be able to get things done and being useful...i wonder if it's my constant quest for knowledge or simply just OCD. But it's a vicious cycle of getting burnt out and then get all emotional and then the seed of "running away" thought gets planted into your head.

Anyway, that's homo sapiens for us.

Psalm 142:1-7
I cry out to the Lord; I plead for the Lord'd mercy.
I pour out my complaints before him and tell him all my troubles.
When I am overwhelmed, you alone know the way I should turn to.
Wherever I go, my enemies have set traps for me, I look for someone to come and help me, but no one gives me a passing thought! No one will help me; no one cares a bit what happens to me.
Then I pray to you, O Lord.
I say,"You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life.
Hear my cry, for I am very low.
Rescue me from my persecutors, for they are too strong for me.
Bring me out pf prison so that I can thank you.
The godly will crowd around me, for you are good to me."

Ecclesiates 9:11
I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skilful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time. People can never predict when hard times might come. Like fish in a net or birds in a trap, people are caught by sudden tragedy.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Why do women wear make up?

I thought about it for awhile and i figured out this.

1) It is really an appearance enhancement thing = vain
2) Interest in colours
3) Hide insecurities (Edwin's point of view)
4) "peer pressure" from magazines
5) Masking inperfections aka face flaws

Actually the list could just go on and on. Why do we pluck our eyebrows, go for manicures, pedicures, facial, rebonding, perming, perm our eye lashes, wear falsies, buy push up bras etc etc etc. Some women dress up because when you look good, you feel good. Some women dress up for their men and some women dress up to be admired by men and women. So the world is a stage to showcase their enhanced and "not so natural" beauty. Not many women are natural born beauties and if make-up can do some enhancement, why not? Imagine this, a plain looking gal walks into a room, with really thick and shapeless eye brows, would men bother looking? Then again, if she doesn't really care that she is not a natural beauty or equates looking good to feeling good, then it's fine. Some girls just want attention, lotsa this probably means make-up, low cut tops, short skirts and any other ways to get attention...including being loud.

Then again, there are women who never leave home without make up...these are probably very insecure women...maybe they don't feel pretty and even ugly without the mask.....this would be a mental thing. Some women do all these things deemed unneccessary by men because we feel pampered when there is someone fussing over our nails, eye brows, hair, lashes and whatever. Touch is a wonderful hugs and kisses *smuakz* Don't really care if men are admiring, but of cos the attention given is an ego booster, feeling good about yourself is more important. And life can be boring if we don't do all these girly things with another gal pal to bond hahaha

Almost all the men i "interviewed" prefer natural beauty.
- no need put so much make up la, like wayang
- aiyah who will see your nails
- wear short skirt can liao ma
- show "half cup" lo
- simple better
- natural beauty is best la

Strange to say, these are the very same men who gawk at women walking around with make up and a well groomed face. I have such a typical man at home..hor JFK?

To conclude, it's really a personal choice la...and actually, these are the things that make women intrguing hahaha the men that i "interviewed" are all not metrosexual men. These are typical MEN. I would like to think of it this like to look at those nice and expensive looking french cuisines but you prefer eating char kuey tiao or wanton mee heehee *Men like fresh meat* Rubes ;)

Jervis, Alex and Jeremy will probably understand why women go through all the hassles hahaha

Me, i love MAKE UP because it makes women interesting and feminine ;)

22 Novenmber, 2007 - Farewell lunch AGAIN

We had lunch at Cafe Cartel this's Jin How's farewell lunch sigh...Amy, Catherine, Alicia, Pauline, Rick, Sarah, Sean and me went. Before he came onboard, there were so much hooha that we are going to have an ex man hunt coming and everyone was like so eager to see how he looked like. Anyway.....whatever

I am having problems clearing my emails again...a little mental block now but thankfully, i am not so sick anymore and mind is more alert and functioning better.

Getting quite immune to farewell lunches.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

21 Novenmber, 2007 - Wednesday blues

Now i know why i have been feeling was "PMS time" last week and "姨妈" came today, early by a whole week! Damn and i was not prepared at all...meaning i had to buy "面包" from Fenn haiz don't i just miss yesterday...eating happily and lazing around doing absolutely nothing...I am feeling grouchy today cos of the stoopid cramps.

Got up early to make my special otah with cheese, and i hope they like what they ate heehee

HS Loo and TC Ng are in Singapore for a meeting today. Dinner with them, Tuck Meng, Kheng Wai, Edwin and Alex at Crystal Jade in Suntec. Men will always be boys...conversations are made and then some "chio bus" walked in, some subtle stares, some open stares but all obvious distractions haiz can't agree more with what Alex said about men being visual creatures and women being auditory creatures.
Had tea and brownie with Edwin after dinner at NYDC, always such an entertaining and interesting conversation with him :)

Kinda sad that TC is going to leave...but he is going to UK with girlfriend for more exposure so that's a good thing. There are always more to discover in life then walk the trodden path i guess.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

20 November, 2007 - Mt. Elizabeth & Macaroons

Took leave today to go for all the necessary check-ups with Jervoise today. Though i feel like going to the sea side and cycle hahaha

We got there at 10am, went to three different clinics to talk to specialists about Jervoise recurring numbness in his right arm. The verdict - go for the operation. He is really worried about what might go wrong but at his age, it's better to put an end to this since it's affecting his life style...not that he is leading any active life style to speak of. By the time we left the hospital, it's almost 2pm and i am so hungry without breakfast, lunch and coffee *pengz*


Bought 22 mararoons from Bakerzin at Paragon after all we are done with Mt Elizabeth..cost me like a dollar fifty each, so damn expensive BUT Jervoise, Jervis and me will sink our teeth into our first macaroon hahaha

Had lunch at Mr Bean in Selegie and after that we bought three pints of Ben & Jerry's ice cream yay one Chubby Hubby each for Jervoise and Jervis, one Cherry Garcia for ME :) life is good wonderful. Once we got home, we ate the macaroons, the ice cream,the potatoe chips and the coca cola *burpz* LIFE IS GOOD and we are gluttons...

Such a lazy afternoon..watching dvd, lying around and day dream...and look at the nice view from the living room window.

End of day as a housecat *yawn*

Sunday, November 18, 2007

18 November, 2007 - 不速之客

This is a very bad weekend. Went to Kembangan after leaving work at around 9pm because we were supposed to have supper with Duncan and Vivian. All i knew was Jeff will be working til the two of them arrived. And i waited indefinitely for somebody to call and confirm place and time with me. By 12.30am, no one called and just when i am about to go to the nearby seven-eleven store with Jervoise and Jervis, Jeff called and say to meet downstairs in five minutes...and instead of apoplogising about making me wait, jumped at me that i do not have to go if it's late. And we are to go Changi Village instead of Geylang. And we are going to Changi because we are going to meet Mandy. By the time we got there, his friends have already finished their food and i really wonder why the f**k do we still have to be there. I am really mad because i need to get up early on Saturday for community work and this i going to be those "not enough rest" weekend...actually i think i am more angry about the waiting bit than the not-enough-sleep bit. The waiting made me tired and sleepy...I was so angry i did not bother to conceal my anger. How can you not know exactly when, what time your guests arrives to stay and leave your apartment? This is very bad.


Yan meet us for lunch after community work and all of us went to Eddie's to do our hair. Wah spend 6 hours sitting there and 320 bucks to get it done. The hair therapy certainly cheer me up.

Skipped church for a weekend but felt like so many weeks...woke up at 9.30am this morning and Vivian was already awake. Said my "morning" and rushed to get ready. By the time i am done at 10, they have already left without saying good bye.

Anyway, Yan, please help me to find a seller for "you-know-what"

Friday, November 16, 2007

15 November, 2007 - The Pillowman

Felt lethargic and aimless and excited this morning...wondered if it's cos i have been spending too much time at work instead of making full use of my favourite months. If only i can really convince myself to just accept it that "chaser" is a norm 必须过我自己那管。。how can anyone send an email and call in less than 5 minutes to ask "did you see my email?" when the email has not even come in. I supposed once or twice is alright but not when this is a working style. Had lunch with Sean and his water polo friends at Mr Bean in Selegie today, so shiok to be in town on a weekday :)this should be the better way to live life, to take time to smell the roses...and use the thorns to prick the irritants hahaha

Had the "famous" curry katsu don in Stamford today with Rubes and Amy. Dinner was quite nice but i think it's kinda overpriced hmmm very excited today because we are finally going to watch The Pillowman...been waiting for almost 3 months for this that the day has come, i can barely sit still the whole day...smiling to myself just at the thought of evening keke

We are so lucky our seats were second row from the stage. When Adrian Pang walk onto the stage for his scene, it was WOW. The play is good, damn good. Very poignant and thougts evoking. Adrian Pang look like a modern day ah beng complete with goatee, a hairful of gel and british accented English. Cool. "jiak kantang beng"

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tickle tests

What's Your Signature Color?
Germaine, your signature color is Pink Chiffon

There's nothing saccharine about you — your sweetness is one hundred percent natural! A gentle, thoughtful romantic like you must be paired with a color that's soft and warm — but still has a subtle sophisticated sheen. That's why Pink Chiffon is the perfect color for you! You're probably known for making the most of every situation and trying to see the best in people. But while you may be cheerful and innocent at times, you're nobody's fool. You may see the world through rose-colored glasses, but you can still see, after all.

While you make wise insights time after time, it's probably your good nature and perpetual optimism that are what you're known for and what make you a joy to be around. Even those who sometimes make fun of your Pollyanna-like proclamations will turn to you when they need a friend and some cheering up. So keep pink, Chiffon. With you around, the world's a better place!
What drives you?
Germaine, your Key Motivator, the thing that really drives you to success in life, is Experience.

Based on your answers about values, past behaviors, and internal priorities, we can tell you look for ways to be attractive, to indulge in sensual pleasure, to receive support or encouragement, or to be stimulated by your environment or activity. In addition, you may find that you're also motivated by aspects of prestige, stability, connection, and curiosity.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

12 November, 2007 - Gluttony weekend in KL

The power of speed and the rush of adrenalin...wah lau SHIOK lo muahahaha first time that i get to drive to KL and i this time i get to step hard on the accelerator and watch the speedometer goes from 90 to 100 to 110 to 120...and 170 :D you can never do this in Singapore. And it feels so good to be cutting lanes to get ahead, talk about being really, really focused. After that, it was cruising at 140-150. Anyway, 170 was the max that i went and JFK had to beat that at 180 :(

The important thing is, i get to eat the chicken rice balls from Malacca at this old "vintage" looking kopitiam, Chop Chung Wah,this rice ball thingy is something i have been dying to try but really, it's nothing fantastic...

The badly arranged plate of chicken haiz

Reached KL at about 3pm, by the time we checked into hotel Novotel, it was already almost 4pm...No time to waste, chop chop hurry to Jalan Bukit Bintan to get a foot reflexology. We were mistaken as students muahahaha "Boyfriend" got a full body massage and me a bad foot massage which gave me "blue black" on my shin and my toe hurts til now damn.

Dinner was a plate of fried mushroom salad (damn oily) and a plate of fried oyster.

The new shopping paradise, Pavillion :)

The perpetual bad traffic jam

Starbucks :) place where there are many zeh mo "ang mohs"

I bought many, many packets of tidbits..chilli cheese flavour from Mamee and vegetable crackers from Miaow Miaow GOOD Ate more tidbits than real makmak food this time haiz

Left the city at 2.30pm and i get to drive again heehee since "boyfriend" is not feeling well and drowsy from the medication. Driving happily way above speed limit until i got caught by the POLIS!!! Best part is there is no fear hahaha no points are going to be deducted. He sprouted some Melayu to us, which we had no idea what he meant, and i heard "300ringgit for the fine but i help you la, 80ringgit can" We did not have enough ringgit and no way we are giving him Sing dollars so we tell him to go ahead and FINE US keke alamak that guy is a loser...think he must have been shocked that we asked him to go ahead and issue the summon..."ok ok, i give you chance, drive la, i no fine you" HAHAHAHAHA integrity saved us 80ringgit/300ringgit

Went Johor, 北京楼, to buy food for my family. Sumptuous meal of fried rice, hor fun, cereal prawns, herbal chicken, toufu, dou miao and gu lou yok..almost bought kong bak bao too hmmm
This is the second time that i had dinner in the new place :) the feeling is so strange...mum has returned the keys of Bedok Reservoir this morning at's really good bye forever..

I wish "boyfriend" can take leave so that we can go somewhere for holiday... so disappointed that there won't be a Bali trip..sorry Rubes

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Read this on my sista's blog...
November 04
Do you?
Do you have secrets that you want to express but feel that you cannot tell anyone and no one will really understand how you feel? Do you wish that you have an outlet where you can vent your frustrations without feeling that the whole world is judging you? Do you feel aimless and unmotivated but somehow you know that you will managed it through? Do you want to be able to live your life to the fullest without hurting anyone close to you? Do you? I think we all do!

Hey, i supposed i can say YES to all of the above. We all have secrets that we feel we can never share...for fear of being judged by the world. Sometimes, i feel i am too trusting...though i am selective of the people whom i share my heartfelt real thoughts, people who really can connect with me at a deeper level, at times, you just never know if what you have shared will become a discussion topic. I was just telling JFK this afternoon that to trust and get hurt, is better than not to trust at all... Fall, pick ourselves up and TRUST someone else lo heehee ;)
But remember what i always say...those who matter will not misunderstand, those who misunderstand, do not matter :)

Aimless and unmotivated...that's real common. Even uninspired, restless and freaking bored at times hahaha

Living life to our fullest without hurting anyone close to us...perhaps the word is to compromise...since we have no control to whatever is happening around us at times. We are often, if not always, living up to other people's expectation and doing what is expected of us. I have often wondered if we do so to justify the reason of our existence..or simply just to fit into society since no man is an island of his own. The "big" society consists of the whole world, the "small" society consists of our family, friends, colleagues and anyone who comes into contact with us for more than once. So...i hibernate once it awhile to keep my sanity.

So there, you are perfectly normal...let's go chill soon

Praise God yay yay yay

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Here Without You by 3 Doors Down

A hundred days had made me older
since the last time that I've saw your pretty face

A thousand lights had made me colder and I don’t think I can look at this the same

But all the miles had separate
They disappear now when I’m dreaming of your face

I’m here without you baby
but you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
and I dream about you all the time
I’m here without you baby
but you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it’s only you and me

The miles just keep rollin
as the people either way to say hello
I've heard this life is overrated
but I hope that it gets better as we go

I’m here without you baby
but you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
and I dream about you all the time
I’m here without you baby
but you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl it’s only you and me

Everything I know,
and anywhere I go
it gets hard but it won’t take away my love
And when the last one falls,
when it’s all said and done
it get hard but it won’t take away my love

I’m here without you baby
but you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
and I dream about you all the time
I’m here without you baby
but you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl it’s only you and me

9 November, 2007 - Happy Al'fungi day

Had a really good sleep yesterday and i am totally recharged when back at work today...mind is more alert, energy level is higher and spirit is higher :) i hope this last...and i am happy to see smiles on faces for having mushrooms for breakfast but oh's a little wee bit too hot...too much pepper aiyoh but i IS HAPPY..even my steps are happy steps

(My two newly acquired ear studs...i almost forgot all about them until i answered the phone using my right ear and it hurts like s**t!!)

Had retail therapy with Sarah today after work, she finally bought the powder that i have been raving about keke pity it's too late for more serious retail therapy...and chatted about suppliers over dinner. Shucks i blurted out that i regret exchanging one of my linecards for Bourns..i dislike it cos the lady is so cold and i feel no personal touch..Daryl, i really dislike it...should have speak up the last time they make me do the exchange right...when i had no peace..instead of always keeping everything to myself..really a bad habbit that i must change. Anyway shit man..i "pew chui" about what i think this evening...with Sarah, conversation is always light and easy. Hey she is going Malaysia next week, let's pray for her.

As i am updating my diary now, waiting for my hair to dry, i am excited about going to KL tomorrow heehee can't wait to hang out at Starbucks and chill. Time to do some serious thinking again...just like 2 years ago...time flies. Think, decide, bang, do ;) Yes swift and decisive, this time with God's blessing and help.

I am sorry about missing community work tomorrow morning and church service on Sunday.

Sometimes, i really wonder if there is more to life...and i miss dancing so badly...can't wait to get myself to the "postponed for a month" Powerhouse trip with Sean now man.. Rubes ;)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

8 November, 2007 - Focus

Was so tired last night, i fell asleep with my make up on!!! Jialat liao, i am expecting a break out anytime...

Spent almost 200 bucks on lingerie today...and felt so liberated keke hey Rubes & Viv, check out E2, damn good place to shop for brassieres with good support ;) just being in the shop makes me feel so lucky to be a woman hahaha but have to be "violated" by the sales lady lo...she will have to see you naked in nothing but your bra top. 珍姐 helped with the selection and adjustment and so...seen all, touched all tsk tsk

Saw Viv's blog today...about me writing about "Emotional Detachment". You are so right about being focused. The whole week that i was feeling sick and "slow", my efficiency level drop and i have to listen to "xian, wana leave" and because i got myself attached to people, i couldn't function properly because i was really bothered. Really does not help that i am not feeling well and not getting enough sleep for so long...everything adds up and i just felt tired physically and i was really bored with life in general suddenly. And yesterday evening, despite feeling really tired and dying for some fun, i forced myself to stay back in the office and pushed myself to stay focus to clear my emails. It really worked...cos all i did was just stared at the screen and just work on it...half the time telling myself i've got to get it done. By the time it's 10, i am almost done with work and i felt so pleased with myself. Focus...means to just do your best single mindedly without allowing anyone or distractions to throw you off track. I totally agree with you that "天下无不散之宴席 and FOCUS is really the magic word that makes the difference to doing a lot of things and doing a lot of things well."

Yup, the bus stop theory ya haha i almost forgot about that...

Less Emotional = Rational, i think it's true in a certain way..I am emotional and very 随心随性, i follow my heart...especially when i am being irrational. Rational only happens when i want to get things done, i put away emotions and stay focus...but compared to you, i guess i would be labelled irrational hahaha Rubes as usual is a fine balance ;)

Hey i love you both *smuakz* and i wana have a hug when we meet up again. (jk, you owe me one too)

Daryl always say, FOCUS ON GOD, leave it to Him and let Him do the rest. I must get this into my head.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

6 November, 2007 - Two titanium studs

I am sick before even recovering from the the cough...have regained my voice but now i have flu and a phlegmy cough :( and i am feeling lethargic and unhappy...sick for almost three months arrrghhhh. Am really tired and listless...

My phone is finally ready for collection today yippee yay Because they loaned me a faulty charger thus i am not able to charge the "on-loan" phone, and they are unable to fix the crooked sliding case, i get to have a new phone *grinz* No more crookedness and no more fading navigation key :)) Sick, listless but happy cat kekeke Happier when i saw a big sale going on in Topshop, Dorothy Perkins and FCUK wah lau zeh moz :D i am a shopaholic heh heh

Walked past Bedazzle and saw an advertisment about ear piercing...walked in, selected a pair of titanium studs and bang, got myself two studs in the ear cartilage. Hurt like s**t but i think it's worth the pain. Took me less than ten minutes to decide to get one stud and less than five minutes to get another one...might as well pierced two studs since the earrings came in a pair
muahahaha (i might have some sadistic streaks in me??? when feeling under the weather, feel pain to spice things up hahaha) Wish i can get a tattoo on my ankle ahhhhhhh

Saw this on Ch U, damn cheem and so real:-

Life is.......

Once upon a time in Singapore, in a corner tucked away in a little corner of a school canteen, there stood a liitle boy. He was staring intensely at a fish tank, watching the fishes swim. Then suddenly, he dipped his hands into the tank, grabbed a dead fish and put it into his mouth.

And the story is a ten years boy who was badly neglected at home...a broken family. Desparation and hunger made him eat the dead fish from the tank.
An old lady, whose mind is still active but her body is showing signs of weaknesses. Old and lonely...whose only companion is her house mate. Both sat at void decks every other day...the only thing to look forward in life is the 3 hours gathering every Saturday
An eight year old little girl, whose parents were divorced. She stayed with her dad and step-mum...that is until dad got thrown in prison and step-mum remarries. Now, living with step-mum and step-dad, she goes to school alone. An eight year old girl who has to watch out for traffics and go to school alone. One day, on her way to school, she was almost raped by a stranger...but she was saved by the screams of her classmate. Step-parents will not care because there is only so much love they can shower on her. She still walks to school alone..i supposed.

Life is when you know survival is everything.

Thank God i remembered all the stories just when my head is swimming with all kinds of thoughts. The very driving force that made me joined CCSS. The ability to be able to serve make myself society, to family, to friends and at work.

Perservere and continue to stay focus and do my best. Just like Noah...there wasn't any rain when he was building the ark. He just kept believing in God and built the ark despite being laughed at. Great faith. People disappoint always, God is always steadfast and faithful in His love.

I hope i will not lose my passion for life...not now please


Monday, November 5, 2007

5 November, 2007 - Blurry Monday

Pained - was how i felt yesterday when i know Jervoise is taking that fling one step closer to home.

Helplessness - was how i felt when i see mum worried and bothered because of the fling

Anger - was when i realised there is really nothing much i can do besides wondering why in the world did this happen

Frustrations - is how i felt today at work

Confusion - is what's going on in my head after hearing so many negativity

Fed Up - is how i am feeling right now at this moment

Disappointments - something that i must learn to accept

Optimism - something that i always have, thank God

I should really start to pray and stay focused. And perhaps be in hibernation mode. And start praying for doors to be opened and be shown directions. And repeat the mantra "Leave everything to Him"...and honestly believe in it. Perhaps i have not been spending enough time alone with Him last week...and the restless monster is here to attack.

Tomorrow will be a better day :)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Interesting :)

Saw this email from a very dear friend....who incidentally is a guy hahaha
So...being a "bastard" gets a guy any gal that he wants hmmm

But the confident bit is kinda true :)

Why "Nice Guys" Fail With Women

I have a lot of guys write me to say "I know this girl who's beautiful and smart and attractive. She and I are great friends, we have everything in common,and we get along perfectly... but she says that she's just not attracted to me..."

Have you ever noticed that:
1) The most attractive and interesting women seem to be attracted to men who don't treat them very well?
2) That the "nicer" you are to a woman the more she often seems to act like "just a friend" to you?

What's going on here? Didn't mom say to be "nice" to girls? Here's the deal: Women aren't usually romantically attracted to "nice" guys. Women are attracted to men who are funny, confident, and mysterious. Good looks don't hurt, but if you're not 6'4" tall and model-handsome,then you have to learn how to attract women with your personality. And being "nice" isn't going to do it for you. Awhile back, I mentioned an interesting book that was written about the band "Motley Crue". Remember those guys? Well, the book is called "The Dirt: Confessions of the Worlds Most Notorious Rock Band." As I read through that book, I realized that these guys have >> dated more of the world's most attractive women than anyone (except maybe Hugh Hefner). In case you didn't know, the guys in Motley Crue are not very "nice". They're famous for taking every drug known to man, beating their women, fighting,and having a lot of people die around them. Now, the first thing most guys say is "Yea, but they're rich and famous..." And this is true, they are rich and famous. But,and it's a BIG ONE... all of the women that they have dated, married, and beaten up are ALSO RICH AND FAMOUS TOO! These are supermodels and playmates of the year and such. These women can date whoever they want. Tommy Lee was MARRIED to both Heather Locklear AND Pamela Anderson... remember? These women didn't need Tommy Lee for his money or his fame... they're dating these guys for some OTHER REASON! Are you with me on this? So what's going on here? And more importantly, how can you use this information to be more successful with women and dating?>> First of all, don't go out and start taking drugs and beating up your dates. I mean, I know that an occasional woman will drive a man to drink, but I don't recommend going "Motley Crue" on a girl... lol.

Women Don't Make Sense". Here's what I mean...I believe:
1) Women make decisions very, very quickly about whether a man is going to be "just a friend" or if he has romantic potential, and once her decision is made,it's probably going to stay made.
2) These decisions are made "unconsciously", meaning that women make all of them quickly and at a "gut level".
3) If you know how, you make her feel attraction feelings rather than "friend" feelings.
4) The way to do it is to stop acting "nice" and start acting, well... something else... and I don't mean "not nice". So what DOES attract women? And how do you do it exactly? Good questions...
At the beginning, I mentioned three qualities: Funny, Confident, and Mysterious. Before I talk about each, I first have to remind you that WOMEN DON'T USUALLY MAKE SENSE. Remember that. Here's a good metaphor: Remember when you learned to drive? It all made sense... turn the wheel left and go left, turn it right and go right... But do you remember when you learned to back up? Backing up is a whole new game. Everything that used to work now works in a different way. At first you feel disoriented. Turn the wheel left and go right... and you have to learn how to maneuver with the back wheels staying straight while the front wheels turn... all with your head turned around. For most people, this takes some time and practice. But once you "get it" then you can do it anytime you want. Well, women are very similar. At first it's very confusing. You have to try things that don't seem to make sense. But once you get the hang of it, then you see how it works and can make it work... just like backing up a car. As much as many women would hate to admit it, there's something very attractive about a man who is just a little more confident than he should be. And if you combine this with the right amount of humor, you have a magic combination that will charm almost any woman.

Here are a few ways to use this idea:
1) When you first meet a woman, tease her about something. It doesn't what it is, as long as you do it early on. For instance, you might say: "So what's with the big purse? Are you carrying a gun in there?" or maybe "Those are some pretty tall shoes, what are you like 4' tall without them?" If you tease a woman, it shows that you're not intimidated by her, and that you have a fun sense of humor. Key: Make sure you say something FUNNY. If you don't know how to be funny, get a book on it. The test: If she's not laughing, then it wasn't funny!
2) Look around at other things and seem kind of pre-occupied when you first start talking to her. Make your funny remarks with a carefree, detached tone. You want to sound like you're talking to your best friend. Attractive women are approached all the time. It's not attractive to a woman when you look like you've just met Madonna. This "just a little too confident" attitude is very attractive to women... especially when it's combined with humor.
3) Don't answer her questions directly. Women love to ask questions like: "What do you do?" and "Where do you live?" and "Tell me about your family". Answer with funny answers, and don't give her what she wants. Most guys say "Oh, I'm an engineer" or "I'm a stock broker". BORING,BORING. If she asks what you do, say "Oh, funny you should ask. I'm a Calvin Klein Underwear Model... What do you do?..." (This is especially funny if it's OBVIOUS that you are NOT a model) Do you get it? Keep it up and keep her laughing.It's important to remember that I'm not telling you to be mean, or to be a jerk to women. I'm telling you to start being confident, funny, and mysterious.


*NOTE: The email below is from a guy who was kind enough to share some GREAT specific examples of things he says to women, and how he uses the Cocky & Funny technique to really dial up the chemistry with women. If you send in a story in the future, remember that specifics like this are really helpful, and I really appreciate them... enjoy.

Who says there's no such thing as magic? When it comes to women, cocky+funny is PURE 100% magic. It is one of the major keys to getting her making her comfortable with you, to getting her number, to getting the date, kissing, getting laid, EVERYTHING! Your stuff is pure platinum my man! Looking back on mailbags from over a year ago, I still shake my head and say: "Man, this guy is good. I cant wait 'till I am able to pull off those lines like that!" The lines are so funny and with cockyness, it just blows them away! Everytime you do it, you can just FEEL the women responding to you in a positive way and not trying to ignore you or get away from you when you act like a wuss-bag. They are always laughing and smiling and even THEY tend to get touchy-feely, asking me for MY number and then calling ME (of course, I always get their numbers too) or asking me to call them, asking me when we're going out, and even asking ME for sex. I could not believe it! And often, this could happen within minutes or hours of meeting...not weeks, months, or years like I once thought it took. I suggest all guys especially the skeptics out there to get your stuff. It works!

3 November, 2007 - 舍不得

Dishevelled hair, bloodshot eyes complete with eye bags, sans make up...that's how i looked when i rushed to do community work this morning. Woke up at 9.30am and that's late..supposed to have been up by 8.30am damn and i slept at 3am...have not been getting enough sleep the whole week and it's showing in my eyes, really need facial,some massage and more sleep to "recover"...

There is a talk from some neighbourhood police post to educate the ah-po and ah-gong on how to prevent from being robbed. A video clip was shown teaching them what to do if a stranger approached them, not to take a lift with suspicious looking characters bla bla bla...all i did was sit in a corner with Rubes and i am in a daze. Wasn't paying attention to the video clip at all...all i wanted to do was be home to take a look at our house for a few more moments and watch the stuff being shifted. It's the same "physically here but soul-less".

Had to rush to Wisma to get my phone repaired. Key pad cracked, sliding casing is not balanced and the colour of the navigation key is off. He has the cheek to tell me if the casing cannot be fixed to perfection, then no choice, i have to accept it...told him that there is no way i can accept it and he HAS TO GET IT DONE TO PERFECTION!! Not sure if i am demanding but for a phone that is less than 2 months old, it is ridiculous that there are so many faults. Bad mood. I have been staring at the "crookedness" of the sliding case for almost 2 weeks and there is really no way i can accept it. If he don't do anything about it, i am going to write to whatever forums that's available. Now i have to use an ugly looking phone on loan from Sony for the next 2 days. Anyway the good best thing that happened today is, i bought about 70 bucks worth of hair products and this entitled me to a complimentary express manicure :) so timely since the colour on my fingernails were already fading...

The house looks very, very vacant and cold. Workers tore down the aluminium doors and windows to sell them to be recycled and all the beds were gone. Everyone said it's just a house...correct, it's just house...then how come i feel so 舍不得. I keep thinking the windows have shielded us from rain for so long and now it's being mercilessly tore apart to be sold as steels to be recyled. I must be crazy for having such strange thoughts. But i am really close to tears. If i can get rid of being sentimental, i supposed i will be less emotional.

At the new apartment, Uncle Charlie and Auntie Molly helped bless it with prayers. Mum, Jervis, Elysia and me gathered around to pray. Jervis is also praying :)

Friday, November 2, 2007

2 November, 2007 - Last night in Bedok Reservoir forever

Today is the last night that we are staying in Bedok...we are going to shift to Kembagan tomorrow. The whole house feels so vacant now, just like when we first came here 17 years ago. Kinda miss this place... all of my rebellious teenage years and reckless "youth" times were spent here... Goodbye for now. Moving house is so's almost like closing a chapter of your it? Anyway, sitting in the hall blogging away with a little tears in my eyes.

Jeremy picked me after work today and we had dinner to do some catching up. Saw his girlfriend for the first time when we picked her after dinner. Sweet :) i think he still love his ex-girlfriend the most...she is almost like the benchmark for all his other girlfriends.

Had dinner with Edwin on Halloween night, yummy stingray, oyster, fried carrot cake, chicken wings and BEER :) plus a very interesting chat.
Anyway...why do people get married? He thinks it's in the past, love was never in the picture when people got married. People got together to pro-create and perhaps to satisfy needs lo. To me, signing on the dotted line does not mean sealing a marriage forever. If you love someone, you will stay committed and thus stay together. But should love fizzles out, this piece of document is to ensure that you get more for alimony and dividing the sale of the property. It could also serve to remind you to stay committed to the marriage and make it work. So, what's love? Are you in love with love itself?

Love is as below according to the dictionary:-
1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for parent,child, or friend.
3. sexual passion or desire.

Commitment is:-
1.the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself.
2. a pledge or promise; obligation; responsibility

So i suppose you can love someone and stay committed to that person or you could stay committed and be responsible to someone but you don't have to involve love.

I have not been reading the bible this week and i have not been spending time with God too...besides the cell thingy..which i don't like. They are having an outing to the zoo next Thursday and i asked them to count me out. No way am i going to look at animals under the hot sun and get tanned and sweaty and breathe smelly pooh pooh from animals. Scully ask me to pray in the zoo...that will certainly make me drop out from cell very soon keke

Will have to start to read bible "lectured" by Daryl :p why do you say i am too trusting? Please elaborate the next time we meet up ya...i remember you will buy me dinner = 两笼小笼包 keke *clap clap clap*

Lust & Caution

So happy that the new "censored abit" version is going to hit our cinema soon hahaha I will watch it again definitely.

Tony Leung's portrayal of Mr Yee is so convincing heehee there is so much chemistry between Tang Wei's Mrs Mai and Mr Yee.

Can almost feel the screen sizzling when he looks into her eyes...can melt any girl lo...He is lonely, guarded, stern and quietly confident. She is shy, innocent but not dumb and refreshing. He stares into her eyes while teasing her into a battle of words/wits and there is this ”又有,又无”type of feeling in the air between the both of them. It's really like mind fuck. And he is such a forceful man who always get his way...that's so sexy and attractive hmmm sad thing is..just when he had fallen in love with her, she has to die lo...all cos of trust gone.

男人过三十的确最有魅力。Just look at Adrian Pang,nearer to our island, and George, witty, quiet confidence, mature, gentlemanly in a chivalrous way...i supposed any woman will feel safe with such men. :) maybe not 大女人 lo...

Rubes ;)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

1 November, 2007 - THE attack of the restless monster

It's the first day of November today and the restless monster has to attack me. Am really in a dazed today..i am absolutely blur and it's almost like i am sitting at my desk but i am not really there oh dear...for the whole morning, i was trying so bloody hard to stay focused on work by fidgetting on my seat and drinking more coffee but nothing works. I think i am losing sleep from coughing at night and waking up to drink water...

Two more months before 2008 begins. The mood in Oct, November and December is always so magical and wonderously dreamy. And i am really trying so hard to enjoy as much as possible and make the most out of it. Can't wait for the lightings to be up in town so that i can soak up the atmosphere and imagine i am in dreamland...suddenly the urge to leave Singapore for awhile is back. I wish i was working in Shanghai again, perhaps for a year or maybe 2..and i can look at Peace hotel whenever i want to.

Rubes, i really really really miss dancing and partying. When you are back, let's just go and please drink some alcohol with me instead of Perrier water. I would also want to go be "wanton" with you in Bali but someone will not be pleased if i go Bali...I need a hug and thank you JK for offering your "rejuvenating hug", you promised about the Rochester park thingy and I WANT TO GO BUTTER FACTORY arrgghhh


If you are reading this little line now (i hope you know it's you), while my mind is "unblank" and i can think, YES, i will be extremely sad and bothered if you leave. But then again, i am glad to have gained a friend..


Maybe it's best to enjoy everything and be attached to i have to learn the fine art of being detached, which will eventually probably lead to becoming less of an emotional & sentimental cat.

Actually, i am a dog lover.