Sunday, November 11, 2007


Read this on my sista's blog...
November 04
Do you?
Do you have secrets that you want to express but feel that you cannot tell anyone and no one will really understand how you feel? Do you wish that you have an outlet where you can vent your frustrations without feeling that the whole world is judging you? Do you feel aimless and unmotivated but somehow you know that you will managed it through? Do you want to be able to live your life to the fullest without hurting anyone close to you? Do you? I think we all do!

Hey, i supposed i can say YES to all of the above. We all have secrets that we feel we can never share...for fear of being judged by the world. Sometimes, i feel i am too trusting...though i am selective of the people whom i share my heartfelt real thoughts, people who really can connect with me at a deeper level, at times, you just never know if what you have shared will become a discussion topic. I was just telling JFK this afternoon that to trust and get hurt, is better than not to trust at all... Fall, pick ourselves up and TRUST someone else lo heehee ;)
But remember what i always say...those who matter will not misunderstand, those who misunderstand, do not matter :)

Aimless and unmotivated...that's real common. Even uninspired, restless and freaking bored at times hahaha

Living life to our fullest without hurting anyone close to us...perhaps the word is to compromise...since we have no control to whatever is happening around us at times. We are often, if not always, living up to other people's expectation and doing what is expected of us. I have often wondered if we do so to justify the reason of our existence..or simply just to fit into society since no man is an island of his own. The "big" society consists of the whole world, the "small" society consists of our family, friends, colleagues and anyone who comes into contact with us for more than once. So...i hibernate once it awhile to keep my sanity.

So there, you are perfectly normal...let's go chill soon

Praise God yay yay yay

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