Sunday, November 4, 2007

Interesting :)

Saw this email from a very dear friend....who incidentally is a guy hahaha
So...being a "bastard" gets a guy any gal that he wants hmmm

But the confident bit is kinda true :)

Why "Nice Guys" Fail With Women

I have a lot of guys write me to say "I know this girl who's beautiful and smart and attractive. She and I are great friends, we have everything in common,and we get along perfectly... but she says that she's just not attracted to me..."

Have you ever noticed that:
1) The most attractive and interesting women seem to be attracted to men who don't treat them very well?
2) That the "nicer" you are to a woman the more she often seems to act like "just a friend" to you?

What's going on here? Didn't mom say to be "nice" to girls? Here's the deal: Women aren't usually romantically attracted to "nice" guys. Women are attracted to men who are funny, confident, and mysterious. Good looks don't hurt, but if you're not 6'4" tall and model-handsome,then you have to learn how to attract women with your personality. And being "nice" isn't going to do it for you. Awhile back, I mentioned an interesting book that was written about the band "Motley Crue". Remember those guys? Well, the book is called "The Dirt: Confessions of the Worlds Most Notorious Rock Band." As I read through that book, I realized that these guys have >> dated more of the world's most attractive women than anyone (except maybe Hugh Hefner). In case you didn't know, the guys in Motley Crue are not very "nice". They're famous for taking every drug known to man, beating their women, fighting,and having a lot of people die around them. Now, the first thing most guys say is "Yea, but they're rich and famous..." And this is true, they are rich and famous. But,and it's a BIG ONE... all of the women that they have dated, married, and beaten up are ALSO RICH AND FAMOUS TOO! These are supermodels and playmates of the year and such. These women can date whoever they want. Tommy Lee was MARRIED to both Heather Locklear AND Pamela Anderson... remember? These women didn't need Tommy Lee for his money or his fame... they're dating these guys for some OTHER REASON! Are you with me on this? So what's going on here? And more importantly, how can you use this information to be more successful with women and dating?>> First of all, don't go out and start taking drugs and beating up your dates. I mean, I know that an occasional woman will drive a man to drink, but I don't recommend going "Motley Crue" on a girl... lol.

Women Don't Make Sense". Here's what I mean...I believe:
1) Women make decisions very, very quickly about whether a man is going to be "just a friend" or if he has romantic potential, and once her decision is made,it's probably going to stay made.
2) These decisions are made "unconsciously", meaning that women make all of them quickly and at a "gut level".
3) If you know how, you make her feel attraction feelings rather than "friend" feelings.
4) The way to do it is to stop acting "nice" and start acting, well... something else... and I don't mean "not nice". So what DOES attract women? And how do you do it exactly? Good questions...
At the beginning, I mentioned three qualities: Funny, Confident, and Mysterious. Before I talk about each, I first have to remind you that WOMEN DON'T USUALLY MAKE SENSE. Remember that. Here's a good metaphor: Remember when you learned to drive? It all made sense... turn the wheel left and go left, turn it right and go right... But do you remember when you learned to back up? Backing up is a whole new game. Everything that used to work now works in a different way. At first you feel disoriented. Turn the wheel left and go right... and you have to learn how to maneuver with the back wheels staying straight while the front wheels turn... all with your head turned around. For most people, this takes some time and practice. But once you "get it" then you can do it anytime you want. Well, women are very similar. At first it's very confusing. You have to try things that don't seem to make sense. But once you get the hang of it, then you see how it works and can make it work... just like backing up a car. As much as many women would hate to admit it, there's something very attractive about a man who is just a little more confident than he should be. And if you combine this with the right amount of humor, you have a magic combination that will charm almost any woman.

Here are a few ways to use this idea:
1) When you first meet a woman, tease her about something. It doesn't what it is, as long as you do it early on. For instance, you might say: "So what's with the big purse? Are you carrying a gun in there?" or maybe "Those are some pretty tall shoes, what are you like 4' tall without them?" If you tease a woman, it shows that you're not intimidated by her, and that you have a fun sense of humor. Key: Make sure you say something FUNNY. If you don't know how to be funny, get a book on it. The test: If she's not laughing, then it wasn't funny!
2) Look around at other things and seem kind of pre-occupied when you first start talking to her. Make your funny remarks with a carefree, detached tone. You want to sound like you're talking to your best friend. Attractive women are approached all the time. It's not attractive to a woman when you look like you've just met Madonna. This "just a little too confident" attitude is very attractive to women... especially when it's combined with humor.
3) Don't answer her questions directly. Women love to ask questions like: "What do you do?" and "Where do you live?" and "Tell me about your family". Answer with funny answers, and don't give her what she wants. Most guys say "Oh, I'm an engineer" or "I'm a stock broker". BORING,BORING. If she asks what you do, say "Oh, funny you should ask. I'm a Calvin Klein Underwear Model... What do you do?..." (This is especially funny if it's OBVIOUS that you are NOT a model) Do you get it? Keep it up and keep her laughing.It's important to remember that I'm not telling you to be mean, or to be a jerk to women. I'm telling you to start being confident, funny, and mysterious.


*NOTE: The email below is from a guy who was kind enough to share some GREAT specific examples of things he says to women, and how he uses the Cocky & Funny technique to really dial up the chemistry with women. If you send in a story in the future, remember that specifics like this are really helpful, and I really appreciate them... enjoy.

Who says there's no such thing as magic? When it comes to women, cocky+funny is PURE 100% magic. It is one of the major keys to getting her making her comfortable with you, to getting her number, to getting the date, kissing, getting laid, EVERYTHING! Your stuff is pure platinum my man! Looking back on mailbags from over a year ago, I still shake my head and say: "Man, this guy is good. I cant wait 'till I am able to pull off those lines like that!" The lines are so funny and with cockyness, it just blows them away! Everytime you do it, you can just FEEL the women responding to you in a positive way and not trying to ignore you or get away from you when you act like a wuss-bag. They are always laughing and smiling and even THEY tend to get touchy-feely, asking me for MY number and then calling ME (of course, I always get their numbers too) or asking me to call them, asking me when we're going out, and even asking ME for sex. I could not believe it! And often, this could happen within minutes or hours of meeting...not weeks, months, or years like I once thought it took. I suggest all guys especially the skeptics out there to get your stuff. It works!


charles said...

Thank you for sharing that clears everything up for me now, so that is why I don't have success with women and I knew one day I would find the answers. Funny, confident and mysterious, that's the ticket. I wondered why women were so attracted to the unattractive. Keep up the good and awesome work please. You are wonderful.

housecat said...

Hello Charles, yup, seems like women like some "bad" characteristics in guys..tho not all women i supposed...personally, i am attracted to men who are confident yet not cocky,smart and kind. Hey why don't you post a picture of yourself in your blog, so i can see :)