Thursday, November 22, 2007

21 Novenmber, 2007 - Wednesday blues

Now i know why i have been feeling was "PMS time" last week and "姨妈" came today, early by a whole week! Damn and i was not prepared at all...meaning i had to buy "面包" from Fenn haiz don't i just miss yesterday...eating happily and lazing around doing absolutely nothing...I am feeling grouchy today cos of the stoopid cramps.

Got up early to make my special otah with cheese, and i hope they like what they ate heehee

HS Loo and TC Ng are in Singapore for a meeting today. Dinner with them, Tuck Meng, Kheng Wai, Edwin and Alex at Crystal Jade in Suntec. Men will always be boys...conversations are made and then some "chio bus" walked in, some subtle stares, some open stares but all obvious distractions haiz can't agree more with what Alex said about men being visual creatures and women being auditory creatures.
Had tea and brownie with Edwin after dinner at NYDC, always such an entertaining and interesting conversation with him :)

Kinda sad that TC is going to leave...but he is going to UK with girlfriend for more exposure so that's a good thing. There are always more to discover in life then walk the trodden path i guess.

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