Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Life is.......

Once upon a time in Singapore, in a corner tucked away in a little corner of a school canteen, there stood a liitle boy. He was staring intensely at a fish tank, watching the fishes swim. Then suddenly, he dipped his hands into the tank, grabbed a dead fish and put it into his mouth.

And the story unravelled...here is a ten years boy who was badly neglected at home...a broken family. Desparation and hunger made him eat the dead fish from the tank.
An old lady, whose mind is still active but her body is showing signs of weaknesses. Old and lonely...whose only companion is her house mate. Both sat at void decks every other day...the only thing to look forward in life is the 3 hours gathering every Saturday
An eight year old little girl, whose parents were divorced. She stayed with her dad and step-mum...that is until dad got thrown in prison and step-mum remarries. Now, living with step-mum and step-dad, she goes to school alone. An eight year old girl who has to watch out for traffics and go to school alone. One day, on her way to school, she was almost raped by a stranger...but she was saved by the screams of her classmate. Step-parents will not care because there is only so much love they can shower on her. She still walks to school alone..i supposed.

Life is when you know survival is everything.

Thank God i remembered all the stories just when my head is swimming with all kinds of thoughts. The very driving force that made me joined CCSS. The ability to be able to serve others...to make myself useful...to society, to family, to friends and at work.

Perservere and continue to stay focus and do my best. Just like Noah...there wasn't any rain when he was building the ark. He just kept believing in God and built the ark despite being laughed at. Great faith. People disappoint always, God is always steadfast and faithful in His love.

I hope i will not lose my passion for life...not now please


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