Tuesday, March 11, 2008

11 March, 2008 - Cell

It's a rainy day, such a lovely weather to sleep. I have been feeling restless since 4pm..thinking if i should conjur up some excuse and pon-tang cell. But emails were aplenty today and i busied myself... cell was forgotten. Daryl, you are not going to feel proud of me if i share this. By 8pm, i was still thinking should i or should i not go. Anyway, i went la..cos i had this nagging feeling that i should go.

Got there just on time and we are going to distribute the flyers for the Easter play next Friday and Saturday...by knocking on doors gosh!

9pm - Twelve of us gathered around to pray (i noticed that i am the only one with pedicured feet and make up...maybe it's a sin to be vain? I noticed these cos i was peeping at the other feet and all heads bowed heehee)

9.20pm - Set off to the next block of flats to knock on doors in trios

I felt kinda silly strutting around in heels, carrying a stack of flyers and feeling hot and flustered...We're lucky that most of the people are rather friendly..hesistant and defensive initially but still alright. Except for one family. I knocked on the wooden door and i saw a shadow moving towards the window and then sounds of locking the door. Wah lau i think this family must have like three or four locks lo..seow meh, we are not "dai yi long" la tsk tsk

Then we came to a house..which obviously was a believer in Buddhism.

Leader: Ok Germaine, you try this house
Me: Har! This one is buddhist lei, see got urn hanging up the ceiling
Leader: Neirmind, just try lo, give them the flyer only ma
Me: (Then you dunno how to try yourself meh?) Ok lo

Knock knock...no one answer the door :) haa heng.. We walked away and just a few steps away from the house, the door opened *pengz*

lanlan lo, walked over and tell the popo in smattering hokkien to invite her to watch a play..don't dare say play from Church, just tell her it's free, come next Friday or Saturday, thanks and bye.. Then leader chip in and tell her "ah ma, we are from church, come and watch the play if you can make it". Popo say "wa eh lei bai bo eng bo eng" hahaha

I learnt three things today.
1) Most men watch TV without wearing their shirts at home(so i saw quite a number of bare chests tonight

2) About 70% or more of HDB dwellers watch Channel 8's 9pm drama serial

3) I like peering into the lives of others ( maybe i should really consider taking up psychiatry and psychology)

I am still not comfortable praying with so many people, speaking in tongues and having to share share share. But i am trying to..though i still find it rather superficial. Praying like that seems superfluous to me BUT i will try. Somehow i feel like i am a misfit here cos everyone is soooo "holy holy" and i think i still have one foot on the dark side hmmm

Made a new friend, Polly, tonight. She attends the same service time slot as me on Sunday...and she sit alone, just like me. We exchanged numbers to meet up this Sunday :)

Ahem, i look too youthful. Leader thought that i am twenty three, i told her it's the opposite..it's thirty two. Suddenly, i wish i IS twenty three :(

1 comment:

charles said...

Sounds like you kept really busy. That takes a lot of effort to do what you did. Thank you for sharing.