Saturday, March 29, 2008

28 March, 2008 - Charles's wedding

I am so glad i can still fit into the velvet LBD that i bought so many years ago haha errrmm not that i have managed to become slimmer, maybe the dress expanded? hmmm Anyway, it's a Friday and it felt strange not to dress down. Good hair day today, good skin and good make up. Aiyo i felt pretty when i stepped out of my house this morning. (pardon my narcissism keke)

Went for breakfast with CP and Jasmin and regretted it the moment we got to Bedok..half the time, i was so worried my hair will smell bad after we left the hawker center..anyway i sprinkled lotsa cologne on my hair after that hee VAIN with a capital V.

Didn't get to go to 3M today and it was kinda disappointing. Stella messaged that she had prepared so much food and i felt so apologetic about it cos none of us could go...too bad i had to turn down her offer to go alone since all the PMs are having FAE meeting..which means Edwin is stuck in the meeting. So sad awwwwwww...Went out for lunch with all the FAEs guys and marketing team. Time for making small talk and more small talk :)

Left work at 6.30 and took a cab to Holiday Inn. JFK told me to be there by 7.30pm but when i got there, everyone was still in "preparing" mode only lo chey. To think i ran in heels. Jfk is the MC for the evening and i was the audience while they practiced. During dinner, Jfk drunk too much and started talking loudly...and i turned down the offer for red wine :( cos i figured i will have to drive. I had to stop the car at the road shoulder to let him puke arrgghhh

Charles's wife is so pretty...Bless this couple

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