Wednesday, March 26, 2008

25 March, 2008 - Submissive

Cell time and as usual, it's share share share. Jaena asked me why i joined CCSS...after i read a verse. My reply was "because i want to lo, really have nothing much to share." Think my cell leader was shocked and stared at me..cos everyone has something to share,something that happened in their life, EXCEPT me. I am really not comfortable about doing this..i just don't wish to share hmmm so there..NOTHING to share. Period.

Rebellious heart and being individualistic again...seriously speaking, is it so wrong?

Today i learnt all about being submissive in cell. I need to learn how to be obedient.

Contrary to popular thinking, submission is not for wimps. Anyone can rebel, but it takes a mature person to submit. Submission does not make you smaller, but bigger. It shows maturity of character. Through your attitude and act of submission, you honour and please God.

If that's the case, i think i am gonna have to say this prayer everyday.

Let's pray:
Dear God,
I ask You to check my heart for any critical, resentful or rebellious attitude. I do not want to follow the example of the devil, who rebelled against You. I want to follow the example of Jesus, who submitted Himself to You. I commit myself to follow His example.

Father, I know that submission homours and pleases You. Give me the strength of character to obey You and co-operate with Your human channels of authority.

I commit myself to support my spiritual leaders by praying for them and supporting them. When I do not agree with their ideas or actions, I will maintain a right attitude and bring up my doubts and questions in an appropriate manner.

Thank You that You have my best interests at heart. As I have a humble and submissve heart, I will become more like Jesus, and my life will bring even greater pleasure to You. Amen!

1 comment:

charles said...

It is not a sign of rebellion by not sharing with anyone, it is because you are cautious of being under the microscope. Your prayer is exceptional. Everyone was created different for a reason only the Almighty knows and Jesus. Do not think it is second class to be who you are. You are unique and wonderfully made. Thank the Almighty. He did not create Robots, he created human beings with feelings, thoughts, and heart. I for one am thankful for that, and as always thank you so very much for sharing your blogs. Keep up the good work.