Tuesday, March 18, 2008

18 March, 2008 - Egg Puddings

I woke up at 8am this morning..fwah darn rush lo, in the end took a cab to work and that cost me twenty bucks!! Can you imagine the rate of inflation and cab fare hikes?? Twenty bucks lei! Cost like 10 bucks more than pre-cab-hikes days...I put the three egg puddings into the microwave to heat up but weren't hot fast enough...bo bian la, bring to office to heat them. One for Sean, one for Fenn and one for Sarah :) i hate egg puddings..i hate egg yorks so i ate the almond paste last night instead heehee I am so blessed, auntie helped me to heat them up while i pour coffee lalalalalalala

Five quality issues, one down, left four damn. Shipment rejects..why? System date not updated. Why? Dunno. Spend half an hour listening to complaints and boss leaves on the dot again. 被Tyco sales洗脑. No more team meetings to feedback "any problems that you may have?" Lucky great bunch of colleagues. BRIGHT SIDE :)

Nothing much happened today except that aunties has problems pronouncing "Bourns" haha

Jenny: Eh germaine ah, 你可以quote我那个Bronze吗?
Me: har? 我们没有carry Bronze的lei
Jenny: 有啦,那个sarah的
Me: Bourns la!
muahahahahaha hmmm
Amy: Come jenny, how to pronounce "Bourns"?
Me: BRONZE yeah hahahahaha

We is EVIL ;)

TCSS with Eileen, Nazri and Shirley at pantry heehee polish up my hokkien. So long never hala hala liao so must brush up my skills again. Or i will fall into the bad habbit of being oblivious to my surroundings and staying connected via emails only. Antenna short like sh*t.

I saw Suran today and i remembered that i owe him lunch...for the bakgwa that i begged him to send. Maybe i should just get him some goodies goodies hmmm Geylang Serai would do the trick keke

Let's continue the story of the young lady here :) 14 March, 2008 - Marketing Lunch
The lady boss, Mdm C, was an insecure woman because a few years before the young lady, Keri, joined her company, her team of employees all quit on her. Wow...but Mdm C told Keri that they quit because they were jealous of her success. The young lady, gullible and naive, believed her.

Mdm C: Don't be so close to the colleauges here, i know that they are jealous of you.
Keri: oh! why is that so?
Mdm C: You will have a chance to travel and i want to groom you to start marketing department Keri: wah...but why do you think they won't like me
Mdm C: Because you will travel and i like you

Everyone in the company pretty much left Keri alone. She ate alone during lunch and no one wanted to talk to her. But because she is sincere, she won them over effortlessly. Keri worked real hard..she did everything from sales, marketing, customer service and engineering. She thought she found a good boss, someone to admire and learn from. Once, she stayed in the office til wee hours to come up with the company profile and presentation slides just so that her manager could give a decent presentation in USA. All she wanted was a good boss.

One day, Mdm C told Keri to print another name card bearing the company of a sister trading company. She wanted Keri to go to a competitor's factory in Guangxi on the pretext of a buyer to "steal" more information. This does not sound right to Keri but she went ahead with the plans...for exposure and experience. But by now, Keri has in one way or other discovered Mdm C's horrible sides.

To be continued.......

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