Tuesday, March 11, 2008

9 March, 2008 - Confessions of a guilty housecat

Went to Huay's place for lunch on Saturday and then went to meet Elysia in Orchard to shop (yeah) for cosmetics. She has ran out of her powder foundation and we are on the shopping spree to get more eye shadows, lip gloss, eye liner, mascara and whatever else that can enhance our face to make it look good :) Jfk and Aunt Eugenia were bored..Oh before meeting Elysia, i also went to a sinseh at Geylang. Zeh mo PAINFUL lo..see she small size small size her "gu lak chut ka liao" and she pressed on my shoulder so hard like nobody's business man! I was already wincing in pain...but alas..she showed NO MERCY. Seeing me winced seemed to make her pressed harder while mumbling,"i will set your spine back to the correct position. See see, feel no pain now." Wondered how can Sean tahan and tell me "you feel damn high". High my foot ^_^'

Got home at 10pm and was too tired to do housework haha excuses...i really hate doing housework :(

Confessions of a "strictly follow the ways of a good Christian" wannabe...i overslept and missed church service on Sunday.. how dreadful! Ok, i am sure i would be forgiven for this..Moving forward (two words that everyone seems to use in Arrow), i will buy one more alarm clock.

Went to eat Sakae sushi with mum and Jervis in Simei, mum ate only toufu and miso soup. Jervis and me wah...ate like twelve plates of dishes between the two of us. Er i think he ate more than me la...but he excercises and i don't...and i am getting fat he is getting fit arghhhh!!! Next stop, NTUC. (Night Time U Come brothel -> courtesy of Dim Sum Dollies) Bought chicken breast meat, potatoes, carrots and onions. I am making curry for dinner heh heh

The pain in my back was so freaking pain today. Took Jervoise's powerful pain killer and went to take an afternoon nap...willing the pain away.

Curry was good heehee my dad suan-ed me.."eat more curry ah, very difficult then can eat something cooked by ah girl" tsk tsk

After dinner, dad, mum, Jervoise, Jfk and me went to Geylang East for foot reflexology. 20 bucks for 40 minutes of foot massage or 30 bucks for an hour of foot massage plus 10 minutes of back massage thrown in. I wanted the back massage but Jervoise said the last time he had neck and backache, he went to get his back massaged...and kena slipped disc. I decided i should not risk it, so got the 40 minutes foot massage instead heehee

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