Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Random Thoughts


If one can be happy by living a simple life, then how simple is simple?

Edwin's thoughts:-
"Life of a food stall owner. He/She gets busy during breakfast hour, lunch hour and dinner hour. After all these three meals of the day, he/she can rest and relax. Which means after all the mad rush of getting the food ready and serving all their customers, they get to rest in between the next meal time. Which also means chances of a burnt-out is slim..or close to zero. So they can go on doing the same old job/routine seven days a week and for many years because they are living a rather balanced life."

I wonder if this means getting out of the rat race. Most of us are in jobs that are nothing close to being our dream jobs. A job is just a tool to get earn the money to maintain and improve the quality of our life. Ironically, in the persuit of such quality (level of quality differs with each individual), we get sucked into the rat race. Then what's the rat race? The economy and the kind of society that mankind have created? Anyway, Pastor said be an eagle not a rat :) Eagles bid their time and when they catches the right wind, they soar high and above all. The rat just scurries around, reacting to its environment and circumstances.

Anyway, whatever job one is in, i supposed doing our best can justify why we are in that job. 要对得起自己 :) For a start, money can buy material comforts and that can make one happy no matter how temporary that is. *shallow* hahaha

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