Tuesday, May 22, 2007

22 May, 2007 - Feisty Grandma..in heaven above, happy and safe

Jervoise called me at about 2pm on a Sunday afternoon to tell me that grandma has passed away. I didn't noe how to react for a split second...i have already decided to visit her in the hospice later in the evening..so i did get to see her..but not in the hospice and she will be sleeping forever...

Grandma was baptised about 8 years ago, after being a staunch Taoist cum Buddhist for almost all her life. In my family, being a Christian will be frowned upon. Many years ago, when Grandpa converted to being a Christian and had a Christian wake when he passed away, all my aunties and uncles kicked a big fuss. I was only a little girl back then so i wouldn't have remembered but according to my mum, Grandpa was being ostracised for being a Christian and the uncle who brought him to church was being criticised by his own brothers and sisters. This evening Auntie Molly told us that a few years ago,Grandma had actually requested her neighbour to help her record her wish in a cassete tape to have a Christian wake in the event of her passing. Apparently, she did not want Uncle Charlie to be blamed for bringing her to church and she threatened to "come back" should anyone create a scene. Imagine Grandma doing that :) Feisty old lady and so typical of her. Most of all, such strong faith in God. She has always been a fighter and i wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of her temper when she is being provoked. She is as fiery as the chilli bla-chan that she makes...like in recent months, her children has to ask her to let go of life and go in peace..cos she was in too much pain and suffering...but she hung on, til she saw almost everyone. Hung on til yesterday.

The pastor said this evening that Grandma found peace and a fren in God. Though she has so many children and grandchildren, non could accompany her all the time. But the Holy spirit is always by her side and she prayed when she was in pain or when she was lonely. Accepting Christ has really mellow her...i only remember grandma sitting at her favourite spot smiling and drinking her stout in recent years...unlike in the past when she was so bad tempered and always frowning..

My grandma hadn't like me and Jervoise alot when we were kids cos we are Cantonese and somehow, she, a baba teochew, just dislike Cantonese (doesn't make sense). And it doesn't help that the 2 of us stayed with my Cantonese grandma on weekdays. Jervis was an exception since he was under her care from an infant til dunno how old hmmm But we became closer when i was assigned to take care of her in hospital during my school holidays when i was 15. That was the turning point of our relationship. Suddenly i was no longer the Cantonese granddaughter she didn't like, i am just Jio-min (my name pronounced this way in her Teochew accent) She would show me her collections of photographs hidden in soda biscuits tin containers. And tell me stories of so-and-so.

I am very sad that she is gone and i really want to cry..but i noe she is now in heaven, happier and free from all the physical pain..and i hold back my tears. At the age of 94, she has seen the war, went through the pain of the loss her husband, her daughter and son...we should be happy she is now with Him, safe and happy...i wonder if there is any stout in heaven

1 comment:

charles said...

My sincerest condolences on the passing of your grandmother. It is ok to cry. It's not alone for your grandmother to cry it is for the rest of us that is left in a world ruled by satan and the only comfort we have is the day Jesus Christ comes and put an end of this current system of things. Your grandmother has peace, joy, love now with no more pain, worry, sickness, hate or any of the other evils that plague humankind. We will see everyone that has been promoted to glory one day. You must go on not for yourself, for them and become the best you can be, that is what she would really want for you to live life to the fullest with the Almighty God as your head and guide. Thank you for sharing your highs and lows. Cry and keep going on strong.