Monday, May 7, 2007

7 May, 2007 - Jervis's backpacking journey starts today

Rushed to finish my work today and cleared as many emails as possible cos i need to leave the office early to send Jervis to the airport. We got there at 6.00 and helped him check-in his lugguge or rather his back pack... Seeing him wif his duffel bag across his shoulder wif a blur look on his face..i pray that he is going to be ok when he gets to London...and not start losing things... when we say bye, i almost feel like tearing sigh

Just last Monday we were at Mustafa getting his multi vitamins cos he thinks he is going to be under nourished from eating instant noodles and biscuits. Hmmm my little bro has grown up woohoo! I used to bring him to watch movies when he was a kid and he would be jumping around the cinema...and i would be screaming at him to sit down. Then he would look forlorn and sulk on his seat keke now he is going to be backpacking to Europe :D i am really gonna miss him...and tease him wif the "Bedok, there's everything in Bedok" song haha And i am supposed to be running quite a number of errands for him while he is away...drats...

Anyway, i went wif Jervoise to collect golf stuff at my uncle's place and we saw a pool table in replacement of the dinning table! ZEH MO lei!! Great, we will be playing pool on Saturday hahaha Jervoise is a PRO in snooker and i din even noe! He has been playing snooker since his teens and he has a personal cue lei..seow seow He was teaching me about how there are 9 points on the white ball bla bla bla and how to hit the ball to get it bla bla bla and i'm like ok ok just pass me the cue and let me try 1st la chey

Think i have been so busy at work that i haven't have the time to feel lost...that might be a good thing cos i am just living life the way i think it should be now. My family first and then i start to feel grounded and the rest will fall in place. Will be eating more of mum's cooking keke and of cos hearing more of her naggings too lo...oh and also my dad's luo li luo suo...and i can only pester Jervoise now that Jervis is on holiday.

1 comment:

charles said...

It sounds like you are one very busy person. Thank you so very much for the nice comment on my explorer page.