Wednesday, May 9, 2007

9 May, 2007 - Small Talks

What's small talk? The dictionary defines it as light conversation; chitchat...

Anyway, i dun like to make small talk. It's either chat to connect or no talk at all. And most of all, small talks make me feel sleepy. But i realised that this is not feasible cos i need to make small talks with most of the people i meet on a working day so i am making small talks even though i dun like to do it. Do i have a choice? Ya, sure...dun bother and that means no relationship building no matter how superficial it's gonna be AND that means i am no team player. Or make small talks to ensure that at least there are some interactions going matter what type of relationships will be formed out of that chat. I am drinking 3 cups of coffee a day to keep me awake and alert sigh

Anyway, today we had lunch with some suppliers and i found myself making small talks effortlessly..gosh have i become a fakey or am i just getting polished hahaha then i realised that as we are talking about some general topics like travelling, food, places etc, i can still get to know the person bit by bit...except maybe at a slower rate. And i do have a genuine interest in him/her. So now i have a mission...the unrelentless persuit of brushing up my communication skills...should be easy since i love long as i dun meet my 3 pet peeves in people namely 1) Hypocrites 2) Selfishness 3) Malicious gossipers

k fren, let's work on tis together since u are the one who inspired me to learn communication ;) Hey i like the Tepanyakki..soooo salty and tasty...din like the dao gays tho..wish they plucked the ends...


charles said...

Talking (chitchat) is an art and as an art it should be encouraged. Do you agree? I feel that you do. You are a beautiful person inside and out. As you already know words is the paint we use to convey our feelings, thoughts and emotions. Keep on choosing the colors of your masterpieces, because you are an master artist. How else would we know what another person likes/dislikes or what is on their mind if it is not said. Most humans are not telepathic. Isn't that right? I love your writings and love hearing about your conversations. Keep it up.

housecat said...

thanks for your encouragement, i feel inspired by what you said already ;)