Wednesday, May 16, 2007

16 May, 2007 - 细心的男人


Saw these golden words on TV this a scene in which my all time favourite actor, Tay Ping Hui, was struggling to end his affair or have one last shag hmmm haha maybe it's true that some men are like that...CH and cheeko (to redeem myself->not all men lo)

Then i think about why 细心的男人,最容易打动女人的心...and i figured that all women want to be treated like delicate princess by men ;) me included..tho i am "manly" in my own quirky ways keke i like the idea of a 细心坏男人 hahaha men who are attentive to women, who treats women in gentlemanly manners are very charming...oh and men who appreciates women ;)

Here's my little special corner for you as promised :)
My fren was telling me she wants to go for counselling wif her guy but he is resistant to the idea. I feel she is not happy wif him..she has been griping about him alot but yet, she is unable to leave him...cos of the flat, the car, kid and alot of of other stuff. Why wun he just go for the counselling??? Pride or watever..just like my colleague's hubby who refused to go for the anger management course. Anyway, each time she wants to communicate wif him about any issue, he shuts her saying she is picking on him, that's about all, so there is nothing to talk sad and too bad. She said there is no more passion in the relationship, she dun feel for him as before and she dun even mind not seeing him, should she drop him? or continue for old times sake? I wonder if people stay together in relationships for convenience sake hmmm hey gal, call me if u need help, my phone is 24/7 for ya..if he hits you, i'm gonna kick him there.
Do whatever you think is best or acceptable for yourself...

1 comment:

charles said...

So that is what a man can do to endear himself to you act gentlemenly. Thanks for the tip.
Relationships always should have a trained therapist there to prevent trouble in the arrangements, because we always do not communicate what is on our minds and that can lead to difficulties if let alone and undetected. Therapists are not just for crazy people they are for people who have not been in situations before and everything is new to them. I knew you were a fireball, that is charming.