Monday, June 25, 2007

24 June, 2007 - OVERSLEPT FOR CHURCH!!

Feel so bad today..i overslept and i was too late to attend service with Mark and gang...i ended up going to church with my mum and gang. But it was just as well cos i noe most of the songs in this church since i attended Sunday school here :) Auntie Molly said my bag is nice and i seem to have become more beautiful keke so sweet of her. It's really a blessing that i have grown to love my relatives' company as i grow older. I enjoy talking to them and just having lunch together makes me smile. Guess the rebellious stage is over, it's now quality time. Family is, and will always be, an important part of my life. Used to be frens everything but my paradigm has i choose quality frens over quantity frens..and i am highly selective of the frens i make or keep intuition towards people has been honed til quite good to filter in people i should keep in my life heehee

I wana pray for forgiveness that i overslept :( I slept late yesterday cos we had a very unsuccessful bbq. The charcoal couldn't burn and there were so much food! In the end, we had to carry the oven and deep fryer over to the pit and cook our food using technology. Drats, i feel so tired after everything..and so much cleaning up to do. Tonnes of cleaning to be done now.. Not going to be doing this anytime in the near future..except perhaps when all my aunties and uncles are coming over to have fun :)

My dearest fren, you are very right, i am an extremist. I seldom waiver in my thinking but i am not stubborn..i am very open to ideas and also because i think anything is me, there are simply too much grey areas in life. Yet i find it hard to balance myself not to be so extreme. Maybe cos i am a very passionate family, frens and issues. If i feel passionately about something or someone, i feel a whole lot of different types of emotions...and i go my way out. When i cool off, i can really go cold fast and become very indifferent. Cold means not being able to evoke any emotions in me anymore...i really should learn to balance my emotions..which is why i say i am too emotional. I have a short attention span but that 三分钟热度 is really a burning passionate 3 minutes keke bad bad but really trying hard to manage it..

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