Saturday, June 2, 2007

1 June, 2007 - Rojak this week

I haven't touched my laptop for almost a week and it feels like forever...i miss my little sanctuary to pen my thoughts..

Went to Dragonfly wif Jervoise and his frens on Wednesday nite and i actually fell asleep half way thru'...i must be damn shag to have fallen asleep wif the loud music blaring in the background, when he woke me up, i forgot where was i..i can really sleep anywhere lo..we stood almost the whole nite until we bought a bottle of Hennessy and got a sofa was good for me..can burn off calories from Teppanyaki (hey bro, i really really love it..think i am addicted to it), cheesecake (my love) and pizza ;p Anyway, when we left St. James at about 4am+, there was still a LONG queue, imagine queuing to get into a club at 4 in the morning! Wah lau, die hard Dragonfly fans...the queue to Powerhouse was WORST, i couldn't even see the end of the queue...Jervoise said it's packed cos the next day is a public the time i sent everyone home, it was about 6 in the morning...and i was late for my appointment wif my hairdresser at 11am cos i overslept :(
P.S, i did not drink and drive keke i was only drinking cola, THE MIXER muahahaha

Finally stepped foot on Cafe del Mar in Sentosa on Thursday ;) looks pretty cool and kinda like Phuket...gotta get in shape, put on my bikini and moonbathe there haha this is a place "to see and be seen" hmmm can see so many zeh mo ang amohs

Gosh do i feel good in my new hairdo, i love the curls and the new highlights and i feel fresher too keke first day of the month, new hairdo = great start
Met up wif a long distance fren whom i haven't been in contact wif for a long time and it feels strange to see him this evening..i think he has grown fatter (他问我他有没有变,我很坦白说他好象肥了heehee), must be the power of love. Had to keep the conversation going cos his new girlfren is so quiet and i felt like Miss Chatterbox just to prevent 冷场. That's the thing wif such meetings...silence is not golden but awkward. Worst is if such meetings consist of quiet folks, like what happened today. Drats, it does not help that they offer no topics for conversation and my brain cannot rest trying to think of general topics to talk about. (Does not help that i dislike small talk) This would not have happened if i am wif frens i can connect well wif...we would be so comfortable wif each other's presence that no exchange of words is required all the time. Gosh, must remind myself not to waste time going to such gatherings...unless of cos they are good conversationalist or if i get to make new frens keke

1 comment:

charles said...

As always. Thank you for sharing.