Friday, June 8, 2007

Prayer - God will lead me to my life work

Almighty and everlasting God, Thou art the Creator of the whole world. Every blade of grass is counted and every drop of water is known to Thee. Every pebble on the beach has its place in Thy glorious Plan.

And I know and feel that every moment of my life is provided for and planned by Thee in that way, dear Father. I know Thou wilt provide for me and guide me to the place where i can serve Thee best.

O, Father, I do thank Thee for the work which Thou hast given me. And before I ask for other work, truly I shall try to do it well. But sometimes I feel that I have talents which I have not used. Sometimes I feel I could do other kinds of work which would serve Thee more and my dear ones better.

Help me to find that work if it be part of Thy Plan, dear Father. Teach me to have faith in Thee and to know, once I know what my right work is, to be afraid of no one in going after it. For knowing that Thou art with me, how can anything but good come to me?

Give me faith, dear Father. Help me to know that no work is so large or so small that I cannot glorify Thee in it. This thought upholds me, my Father, and truly I feel that I can face the world in seeking my right work with courage and hope and confidence!


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