Monday, June 25, 2007

25 June, 2007 - Emotional Cat dropped wif a Predicted Bombshell

Today, KH finally officially told us he has tendered. Though he has hinted to us a lot of times, he confirmed it today and i cannot help feeling sad. I noe he is moving on to something closer to his heart...regional marketing so i wish him all the best..and will treasure having him around til July 19th..Anyway lunch was full of talks about resignation and boobs!!?? Duh,the guys are talking about who has the biggest boobs around the office and go around in half cups...then the conversation falls onto me..and they mentioned that i am busty as well. I protested that i am blessed in that area but i dun walk around in half cups wat *indignant* so i noe now that busty gals always get bio-ed at...even in the office hmmm

Everything happens for reason..i am glad to have come here and got to noe all these people. God must have planned it for me to be here, to learn to control my emotions and to re-learn how to communicate at all levels. I meet all sorts of people here and while everyone has some strange working habbits, they are all very nice people. I feel very at home here, loving the culture, the people and the environment. The only downside is the very heavy workload. But deep in my heart, i noe that if the pace is slow and work is very little, i will never be able to learn and grow...and i will get bored and then i will wonder about other places to be at keke KH nagged at me today for being too emotional again..but he also said that as long as we are being ourselves, we'll be happy. So i really thank Him that although i am affected by people leaving, i really still find it exciting to go to work everyday and i am still happy. Just pray for strength and faith :)

Jervis will be back this Friday yippee yay mum is so happy she can't stop harping on it hmmm if it's either me or Jervoise who went away for awhile, i bet she will think "good riddance" :p

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