Thursday, October 25, 2007

25 October, 2007 - Prioritise Everything

Urgent, the dictionary's defination of this word is:
- Compelling immediate action or attention; pressing.
- Insistent or importunate: the urgent words "Hurry! Hurry!"

It dawned upon me today that the word "urgent" is being overtly abused in most of the emails. It simply means "hurry, hurry, look at my email first, mine should be given priority over all any other emails". Urgent and important, urgent, important but not urgent, simply just important...should it be in this order? Jin How once shared that he felt overwhelmed by all the emails, not sure how to prioritise and is unable to catch up with the unforgiving fast pace...anyway, the bad feeling that i had since Monday might have materialised. I think he has decided to throw in the towel, everything happens for a reason, maybe it's for the best.


A head hunter called me at my desk this morning. I tried asking her who gave her my number but it was confidential..just "someone from my network"... i am really curious as i have no idea who could have given her my contact. My mind went blank when she asked if i was looking for a job and i think i told her that i wasn't. But i was really curious about who gave her my contact because she actually called my direct line and i pretended to sound interested and asked about which industry would it be. Kinda shocked when the companies that she named are mostly my suppliers! So tempting but i don't feel the urge to move just told her i can't talk now, anyway i wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying cos i was staring at a spec drawing...i think i sounded blur and faraway hahaha Gave her my mobile number and hang up. I wonder if she will call me again hmmm if she does, maybe i shall just psycho her to tell me the name of the person and close case. I am so glad i like the people here..and people has always been on top of my priority list. Blessings :)

Had lunch alone again today to read the bible. I am beginning to doubt that i can finish reading it by end of December...jialat la

The best thing that happened today was JFK is on his way to fulfilling his dreams :) this is the best news today. Yan picked me from work to meet Rubes and Jeff for dinner at Bencoolen. As we were sitting there having dinner,i felt so blessed to have 3 very important people in my life sitting at the same table chatting :) Oh and we were gluttons. Each of us had a plate of nasi lemak and a prata and 2 cups of drinks keke so full, so happy, so is beautiful. Thank God for everything , all the joy, happiness etc etc etc.

I am looking forward to the beginning of my volunteering work this Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I feel the same way too! So happy that we can meet today and had a great chat. Fantastic news about Jeff and may God continue to bless u, guide u and show you the way :)

Lots of Luv,