Friday, November 2, 2007

2 November, 2007 - Last night in Bedok Reservoir forever

Today is the last night that we are staying in Bedok...we are going to shift to Kembagan tomorrow. The whole house feels so vacant now, just like when we first came here 17 years ago. Kinda miss this place... all of my rebellious teenage years and reckless "youth" times were spent here... Goodbye for now. Moving house is so's almost like closing a chapter of your it? Anyway, sitting in the hall blogging away with a little tears in my eyes.

Jeremy picked me after work today and we had dinner to do some catching up. Saw his girlfriend for the first time when we picked her after dinner. Sweet :) i think he still love his ex-girlfriend the most...she is almost like the benchmark for all his other girlfriends.

Had dinner with Edwin on Halloween night, yummy stingray, oyster, fried carrot cake, chicken wings and BEER :) plus a very interesting chat.
Anyway...why do people get married? He thinks it's in the past, love was never in the picture when people got married. People got together to pro-create and perhaps to satisfy needs lo. To me, signing on the dotted line does not mean sealing a marriage forever. If you love someone, you will stay committed and thus stay together. But should love fizzles out, this piece of document is to ensure that you get more for alimony and dividing the sale of the property. It could also serve to remind you to stay committed to the marriage and make it work. So, what's love? Are you in love with love itself?

Love is as below according to the dictionary:-
1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for parent,child, or friend.
3. sexual passion or desire.

Commitment is:-
1.the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself.
2. a pledge or promise; obligation; responsibility

So i suppose you can love someone and stay committed to that person or you could stay committed and be responsible to someone but you don't have to involve love.

I have not been reading the bible this week and i have not been spending time with God too...besides the cell thingy..which i don't like. They are having an outing to the zoo next Thursday and i asked them to count me out. No way am i going to look at animals under the hot sun and get tanned and sweaty and breathe smelly pooh pooh from animals. Scully ask me to pray in the zoo...that will certainly make me drop out from cell very soon keke

Will have to start to read bible "lectured" by Daryl :p why do you say i am too trusting? Please elaborate the next time we meet up ya...i remember you will buy me dinner = 两笼小笼包 keke *clap clap clap*

1 comment:

charles said...

Thank you again for sharing. Please keep up the good work.