Sunday, December 2, 2007

1 December, 2007 - Zouk nite's out :)

Finished the test early on Friday and went shop around at Bugis...retail therapy needed. Had no problems finishing all the assignments and remembered all the steps but i think i was careless during the test...saved things that i think i should not be saving and test the results of some questions..does not help that i am sleepy and in day dream mode sigh...but lucky pass man keke

Met up with Edwin, Sarah and Sean in Grand Copthorne and had dinner at Zion Hawker Center. Best cheese toufu here and best dou hua :) but i was so hungry that by the time we got there, i 饿到饱。。。so couldn't eat alot or i will have tummy discomfort :( but i really wanted to order more food so that we have more choices and eat our fill.. While waiting for them in the lobby at Grand Copthorne, i was reading the bible when an ang moh asked me what was i reading. He asked what was a good church to attend in Singapore since he will be leaving on Sunday night. I gave him the address to my church, told him it's good, wish he will have fun in Singapore and pretended to look at my phone...too hungry to make any more small talks...but then after my dinner, a thought striked me...God just sent me to bring some one to my church...He works in funny ways.

Went Zouk and we had free entry woohoo, cos' there is a Levi's event tonite. This feels really good, to be in Zouk again. The last time that i partied at Zouk was in April..and club hop to Butter Factory for round two with Rubes and Chris...seems so long ago. Wah the long island tea is damn good lo, feels so heady after drinking it..haven't been feeling this way for so long. Zouk is famed for its long island tea, damn shiok..i imagined that for every sip of LIT, the liquid flows into your body and makes you feel so relax, floaty and happy. Long term abstinence from alcohol is no good hahaha i am never a good drinker to begin with, and always am the first one to be "gone and quiet" during drinking sessions with Yan and Rubes. Took me so long to train up and improve by drinking lotsa hard liquer just so that i won't be the first one top puke keke bo liao.. But then again, Zouk's LIT is also known to be "lethal"...i feel heady almost everytime i take it heehee

Music sucks that R & B but i was in very good company :) Should have went Butter or Double O least they sure have better music on a Friday night wan hmmm then can dance more... BUT, this is a very happy dinner and clubbing night with them :) i am happy this night. People really are top on my list..people, location, job satisfaction and money in this order = happy. My unrelentless search for a "someone" whom i can rely on, to trust and to assist/work with and look up to...the corporate ladder is secondary..i know what Daryl will say...not ambitious enough..but maybe that's not my calling ma. Maybe i should go be a secretary.
Lucky no need to go CCSS this morning...woke up at 8am and go hospital with Jervoise for the ECG test, blood test and X-Ray. Woke up with a little headache...but worth it hahaha

Yan came over to check out mum's place and we meet up with Rubes at Robertson Quay for dinner and chat. Dinner was at Harry's and we had Margarita *slurp* nice one here :) we had an interesting topic tonight heehee, gonna write about that in another entry. I really love you gals my bak bak sistas, for keeping me grounded, talking sense into me when i am being nonsensical, rationing facts for me when i am being emotional bla bla bla CHEERS

i will write about our topic soon ya *winkz*

1 comment:

charles said...

Thank you for sharing. I love your blogs.