Tuesday, December 25, 2007

24 December, 2007 - Christmas Anticipation

Went for a christmas lunch at Parkway and found my desk covered with lotsa little gifts when we are back. There was a ginger man sitting on my keyboard geez christmas is nice heehee

Met Rubes for dinner at Highlander in Clark Quay in the evening. We ordered a bottle of sparkling and half a pint of beer between the both of us. We didn't get drunk but i was wondering why does Zouk's long island tea makes me high so fast...Food as well of cos'...sauteed mushrooms, cheesy mozeralla with bacon, potatoe wedges, garlic bread, salad, Crème brûlée and a horrible cheese potatoe thingy. I finished up almost the whole basket of garlic bread!! So sinful! But the wine was good and the atmosphere is great.

Next stop was at Lunar, a new pub in Clark Quay with dar this time. Cheena pok place..as cheena pok as St. Jame Powerhouse. Chey i thought it was cool from the outside. The place was so packed we could not stand still without being pushed around. Met Andrew and his friends here heehee Haven't seen him since the last Achieva gathering a few months back :) Anyway, there was this fatso who was pushing Jfk, Rubes and me. First time he irked me was when i said "excuse me" in order to get to Rubes side but he made no effort to move. Fine. Second time was when we were watching the band sing and he pushed JFK with his bloody lard filled body causing Jfk to spill the vodka on me. Ok fine too. Third time was when he tried to move that alcohol intoxicated pig-like body of his to the other of the table and his elbow hit me on there. I am hot this time and i shoved him as hard as i could. And he had the nerves to asked "why push me?". And i yelled back, i really wish to use my vodka cup and hit his head. Jfk played the peace maker and that fatso went out to smoke. His friend smiled at me and I overheard his friend said "Ah Bui is drunk and smoking outside" So, now we could watch the band in peace without any whale splashing around. Anyway, my anger subsided when he put his hand to his head as a gesture to apologise i supposed. He probably sobered up after a smoke. I am rashed...but given a choice, i would still have done the same and pushed him back. SORRY lo

Edwin got me a red purse from Guess in my favourite colour red :D am very touched that he remembered i like red. Thank you for giving me a lift to Eunos too..thank you for everything. Wanted to get a tie for ya from Zara but i couldn't find any nice ties in yellow..i gotta like something before buying it as gift :p now that i know you don't really like yellow..should have gotten the grey one, Zara has got nice executive ties

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