Sunday, December 2, 2007

2 December, 2007 - Jervoise's 28th birthday

Jervoise is 27 going on 28 today :) but he looks much older hahaha Jervis bought him a chocolate cake, Chocolate Indulgence, from Secret Receipe and i bought pizza for dinner :) Auntie Eugenia and Elysia were here to celebrate his birthday as well. Elysia is going to start her new job tomorrow and she is feeling nervous about having to apply eye liner and wear make up hahaha

Canadian pizza is kinda nice, especially the chicken wings heehee This would be our first birthday celebration in Kembangan and many, many more to come.

Pastor's Pen for this weekend...

Seek and Find
While God certainly is a good God and we are able to testify of His goodness, healin, restoration, guidance, direction and forgiveness, we cannot seek Him merely to receive these from Him. More than ever, as Christmas approaches, we are reminded of the need to seek God for who He is, to long for His presence and to abide in Him.

How do we seek God?

Exodus 33 tells us how Moses pitched the Tent of Meeting where he could meet with God away from everyone else. This tells us that we must deliberately find a place to meet God, away from things that will distract us or cause us to become too familiar with God and take Him too casually.

When Jesus called His disciples to follow Him, He called them away from their routine of every day life. To just come and be alone with Him away from all that was familiar. This does not mean we forsake or shirk our duties and responsibilities toward our family and jobs. But if we want to find God, we must first set aside time. We can redeem the time by re-prioritising and forgoing some of the time we spend on hobbies, television or on the computer, in order to seek God earnestly.

God tells us in Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

God wants us to seek Him and to find Him. To do that, we need God's help to reestablish our priorities so that we can rediscover our purpose in Him.

My verse for 2007 in the pastor's this a reminder?
Jeremiah 29:11-13
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all you heart..."

After so long (not sure if a few months is considered long) i still have grey areas...i mean i still think it's ok to have grey areas. I am only human and an imperfect one at that. Except that perhaps for now, i do feel guilty, abit la, when i am wavering between what should be black and white.

Watched the last episode of "Do not disturb", the one with Adrian Pang and Andrea de Cruz in it...and til now, i can still understand why they did what they did in the show...okok Rubes and Yan, i will re-arrange the thoughts in my head and write about the "blushing" bit and "do guys really know" bit in another entry kekeke lemme do some research first.

1 comment:

charles said...

As always, thank you for sharing.