Saturday, December 8, 2007

7 December, 2007 - Cafe Del Mar

It's now 4am and i am blogging away...cos i cannot sleep...intoxicated with alcohol again.

PS Wong and Lynn came pick me up from work to meet the rest at the indoor stadium. It's Jasper's last day and we are having dinner at Jumbo Seafood restaurant. Almost everyone in Lights turn up and i am so touched that i was invited to join in the farewell dinner :) After dinner ended at around 9.30pm, we went Cafe Del Mar at far away haiz

Jasper, Lynn, PS Wong, Keith, Steven, Cedric, Aaron, Alan Kwan, Serene, Jasmin, Jasmine, Amie, Marc, KS, Chris, Catherine, Lional Leong, John Chan. Jiawei from TDK came as well...Jasper really is somebody.. It's such a small industry, everyone knows someone from somewhere..John Chan is from KED, who knew Shirley and Jin How...Catherine too..gosh and Lional used to be in my company now. Good, networking begins again tonight..tho no mood to do so. Anyway, networking means a bottle of Jack Daniels, a jug of long island tea and 12 bottles of beer. We played games and loser drinks. I tried my best at the 5-10 game but i am really bad at it. New game i learnt was - 老虎,兔子,蛇 and neh-ji kekeke this is fun. The number of guys outnumbered the gals by more than half in Lights and the gals are always so pampered here. We would all go out for lunch together and the guys are always so "full of dirty jokes". Better to work with men...sorry if i sound errr so un-feminist..but guys are more objective and rational..until ego kicks in. I have met my fair share of women who "torment" me emotionally to ever wana work closely with that phobia or whatever..does not help that i am not able to express myself well verbally.

Phrase i wana remember:
Keith:"You play first, if cannot then i come in and settle for you."
Somehow, there is something re-assuring and "safe feeling" about this sentence. Feeling 小女人 tonight...maybe just tired.

By the time Chris sent me home, it's 3.30am and i am dead beat...yet unable to sleep damn. But i got a surprised from Dar. The moment i opened the door, i saw a tall white Christmas tree sparkling with blue lights :))
So many things happened this week and now it's a whirlwind of thoughts in my head. Jervoise's operation reminded me that life is fragile. Our family going to the hospital with him the whole day reinforce the importance of family.

Did a strange thing this afternoon, i asked for incentive to be taken away for a line card. I feel that i did not allocate enough time on this line and i feel that i don't deserve it. Daryl, i wanted to tell you that i am not doing this to make myself feel better (ok maybe 10% is), i know i am trying my best on this but i suppposed it's not good enough. Knowing that i will keep trying makes me feel better instead..overcoming this challenge means more than having this stupid thing hovering around me. I do not know if i have done the correct thing or was being rash but i know i have had it so there...just do it without much considerations. Anyway kena rejected la haha

Should have just went ahead with Bali.

Anyway, a thought striked a moment ago...if i leave all to God, i would not be fretting.

1 comment:

charles said...

I love your blogs. Interesting as usual. Thank you and happy holidays.