Monday, December 17, 2007

17 December, 2007 - December Rain

The office is rather quiet today. There is just something so special about December. 2007 is ending...if everything is coming to an end, then i miss the past few months.2008 is a new what Pastor Dominic said.

When i left the office, there weren't anyone else from marketing..everyone has got infected with the "nuah hong" i guess. As i stood at the walkway waiting for dar and listening to rain drops hitting on the concrete pavement, i wish i was walking down Orchard Road enjoying the street lights and then having coffee at Starbucks with someone. For a moment, i miss Anna haha it was almost a year ago that we were at Borders..

Okok let's side track abit, my favourite Heroes character is Hiro Nakamura. Save the cheerleader, save the world :)

Anyway for the rest of December, i am going to catch up with friends and allow the December mood to completely sink in.

I am still trying to figure out the errant serpent and the "smart" apple, meanwhile, it's just faith.

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