Wednesday, December 19, 2007

18 December, 2007 - Are you a better person today?

Went do a facial at Amore in Simei after work today, this feels very good..especially after such a day like today. The bed comes with a heater and the room is filled with a very calming aroma heehee and when the beautician massaged my face...wah, feels like ahem heaven? I wish i can go do foot massage immediately after this and then followed by pedicure/manicure. So nice being a woman ^_^ ahhhhh

Today, i realised that time consuming is when:-
1) you expect others to understand your "two lines sentence" in a whole chain of email history and expect others to "Get it? Good, solve it." (我没时间,你自己读)
2) you begin grumbling non stop on the phone about how bad everything is bla bla bla complete with selective hearing. So the other party is non the wiser at what's the exact problem and still have to solve it. (alamak, 全世界你最惨了,没有人比你惨了)
3) you start to confuse others by adding more directly or indirectly related problems to the existing now the problem becomes very huge and looming.(还有这个你也要帮我!这个也是! har? can one by one or not?)
4) you have an unconscious denial in your mind to try solve problems together by being calm and logical but instead ask "how? how? how? how to stop this problem from happening again and again?" So the problem conveniently becomes the problem of the other party. (it really takes both hands to clap, you know) (你看啦,这些问题弄得我很忙.)
5) The ulitmate has to be "not my problem what, you should ask name of whoever"

Haiz...i need dark chocolates to stay cool and retain my logical sense

Dar picked me after that and we drove to Macdonald at Siglap for dinner.. then after that walked to Gelare to meet Jervoise and Jervis :) Face was still covered in mask when Jervis called to asked if i am still at work and if i wanna go have waffles with them, constant guilt inducing naggings at them work hahaha otherwise both of them are going on shopping trips and dinners WITHOUT me tsk tsk Just sitting there having waffles with the three of them makes my day :)

Saw a discussion topic on tv this evening about how we should strive to live like a 君子. 君子 walks the talk...action speaks louder than words. I supposed it also means respect is earned, not given. That makes alot of difference.Anyway, are you a better person today?

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