Saturday, December 22, 2007

男人不坏,女人不爱.......for my special sista

In English, it translates into something like Girls like Bad Boys aka Nice Guys finish last..

I think the reason is because the guy can be a super horrible, despicable, heartless, incorrigible bastard to everybody out there, but when he comes home, he succumbs to his gal. He becomes gentle and tender to her, takes time to listen to her and all that 'care and concern' thingy. Why? Because it makes his gal feels special. And feeling special means she is irreplaceable and that equals to a sense of security.

That's probably why Lust & Caution sells. Tony Leung's character, Mr Yee, was such a bastard. He reveals no emotions to anyone, is guarded, chauvinistic, mean and cruel yet when he is alone with her, he turns into a passionate animal. Like nothing else matters except the both of them at the moment. He even bought her a really ring with a really big diamond. Oh did i mention about the mind fuck there is this "又有又无", "wana cross dun wana cross" over the boundary kind of feeling. Communication through the eyes is intriguing. In contrast, Lee Hom's character (see, i forgot his name in the show) is to fight the Japanese to bring world peace. Well, that's a selfless, great ambition but it doesn't make his gal special. She had became one of the statistic in Shanghai to be saved *yawn*. See below.

Now, what if the guy is Mr Nice Guy to begin with, and he is nice to everybody? Hmmm then there wun be so much of a special feeling...because he is nice to everybody, his gal might feel:-
1) he is not passionate and crazy about her
2) she is just one of the "everybody" that he is nice to
3) she has to compete with quite a number of others to get his special attention
4) "am i really important to him?"
5) "does he really love me?"
I mean if he is nice to everybody, how special can she feel hahaha the prince will have eyes only for HIS princess..remember?

Anyway, not all gals believe in the 男人不坏,女人不爱 thingy. Some gals believe in true love and others money. If Mr Bad guy is also Mr Rich guy...wah zeh mo best lo
Like a suave "bad guy", rich prince who comes along and sweeps her off her feet and set everything right. He is there to protect, nurture, care and love her. And he kills all enemies who try to invade his kingdom because war will disrupts the peace that his lady love enjoys tsk tsk. See, you don't have to be a bad guy to make a gal feels special. Just give her undivided attention, lotsa care and concern.

Oh and the Mr Rich guy bit...well if you can't find true love, at least the money is real. So the market for Mr Rich guy will always be there because there will always be demand.

So it does not mean that chicks like guys to be mean to them.

I owe you the "do guys know?" and "blush" bit :)

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