Monday, December 31, 2007

31 December, 2007 - Last day of 2007

We get to leave office early at 4pm's the last day of 2007!

This has been a good year because i have learnt alot and gained more friends. Let's back to church, got a new job, made new friends, got a god-son, got a spiritual mentor, shifted house, grandma passed away, filtered out toxic "friends", joined volunteering work, mum's transformation, Jervis's backpacking trip, Jervoise's operation...i get to be myself without conforming or even bother trying to fit in :) life has been good and fulfilling and i thank Him for everything. I know i need more faith and change my ways but i have to give myself a little pat on the shoulder to have held on to the verse with unfaltering faith. Baby step...

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all you heart..."

Catherine invited Aising, Amy, Andy, Chinyiang, CP, Edward, Frederick, Isabelle from NXP, Jasmine, Khim Chew, Desmond, Joyce, Leslie and me to her house for potluck..and my Sangria is in the fridge and i am grilling the mushrooms now heehee

Got to her place at 7.30pm..late by half an hour sigh... so much food on the table *yummy* Oh i am so happy that everyone loves the mushrooms and it's the first to be gone heh heh next was the Sangria, gone in awhile too heehee not bad for a first attempt :) (Maybe i am a closet talented chef hmmm) Leslie's mum made glutinuous rice and it's so good that i ate 2 plates... Amy, Aising and me "chop" the chocolate fondue after dinner...i think we ate up most of the strawberries...and Edward grumbled that "aiyah zar bo always eat all the dessert" tsk tsk (i think he jealous cos he is very full liao la)
Then they played Black jet and loser has to finish the food but i "siam" heehee no way am i going to try gorge on so much food. Next was a serious game of Black jet and minimum was 2 bucks...Frederick is the banker and his luck is good :) i think i lost 1o bucks... I am glad to have such nice people as colleagues wooohoo Amen

Next round was to Yan's place. Played Taboo with her friends and this is a very funny game. I love it hahahahaha then count down on TV. Yan must have let the champagne got into her head..she mumbled something about 不舍得2007 and grabbed the air for dunno what man..and i sucker for gimmicks, did the case i missed out on anything hahaha usual, was level headed and sit there looking pretty and shaking her head at Yan heehee

10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1 yeah 2008 and we get a threesome bear hug :D Gary and Jfk went downstairs to lock the car door because egoistic he did not lock the car door. He thought that Yan's car would automatically lock by itself since it came with a built-in sensor to unlock the door when it senses the car key. Too bad the sensor only works one way la unlocks but does not lock..pride stopped him from giving a call to Yan to ask so obigood lo, got to count down in the car park with Gary. MEN! Chey

Nostalgic about 2007 but life goes on and for now, happy new year everyone. May the year 2008 brings good health, great wealth, happiness, peace and all dreams to come true. Err I wish for world peace muahahaha (Rubes, diplomatic bo?)

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