Tuesday, June 5, 2007

5 June, 2007 - Achieva Alumni gathering

Cindy has decided to quit after 2 months into the job...we chatted during lunch and she shared wif me that she couldn't and didn't wana cope wif the stress in such a fast paced environment anymore...i feel sad and affected cos i kinda like her and we have became fast frens :( but anyway i wish her all the best...and Pat is leaving too sigh...but she found a job in a different industry so there hmmm i am actually getting used to the fast paced environment here and i think i am doing fine, learning fast and working independantly but i realised i am bored awwwwwwwh and knowing Cindy's decision only serves to emphasize to myself that i am BORED!! My PM said if i can survive here, i can survive anywhere, and i like this sentence because it sounds challenging. I am just bothered and affected when i heard they wana leave...so maybe it's not tat i am bored..just getting emotional...talking crap again

Had a mini gathering wif Jeremy, Melissa, Andrew and Bernard at Upper Thomson today :) sat and chat (hey it rhymes..corny pok) over white wine and sky juice. Simple, meaningful chat (coined Achieva alumni gathering by Andrew haha). I like it. Andrew, the joker, is so darn good at doing all these animated actions making us laugh..Tip of the day from him is "Women just want men to listen when they talk, not offer unneccessary opinions" think i saw that line in a book before... Not sure if tat works for me..i think i might just prefer an exchange of opinions and thoughts to balance things..tat's why i think intelligent men are attractive. Like either intelligent in the IQ or EQ section. Anyway, my guess about Andrew was right keke, he is smart wif a soul...in touch wif himself and the world. Just that sometimes "he chooses to be very the PR lo" haha i guess it's the 社交mask. Just like the artist, Zeng Fan Zhi, said that he feels that the relationship between people was pretentious, especially when he was in Beijing where he knew no one and had to force himself to socialise to fit in. To him, that was wearing a mask.

Here's a pic of his work - Mask Series No. 6

The introspective art of Zeng Fanzhi
"Sometimes I paint with two hands. Sometimes I use two brushes, sometimes four," explained the artist. "With this new technique, I create and yet I destroy. One of the brushes is creating, while the other three have nothing to do with me. I like such creation which happens by chance. Sometime I will loose control over the image, but after you loose control you look at what you have and you try to get it back again."

I like this artist. Pity the showcase of his works in the Singapore Arts museum has ended...

Too late to go home to Bedok by the time we left that place...anyway Jervoise is asleep.

1 comment:

charles said...

Boredom is best compensated for by physical activity, run, walk fast, work-out, bowling. It can be turned into a social activity where you can meet and mingle with the most interesting of folks. Sorry to hear about your friend. The currents in this gigantic ocean of life sometimes change, people adapt, makes decision. All you can do is wish them the best. Thanks for sharing your experiences once again. Bye for now.