Saturday, December 8, 2007

8 December, 2007 - Hair Trim

Woke up at 9am this morning and had to rush to get ready again. Barely had three hours of sleep..and it's a long day today. God really works in strange ways...i saw my cell leader, Jaena, at CCSS today! Just got her message about how was i doing the day before..because i have been skipping cell sessions haha, and now here she the same community service as me. A sign?? To get back into cell???

Mr. Lau, the head of CCSS for elderly group gave us a briefing today..about how 6 elderly have passed away in the past 2 years. Anyway, i found two new opportunities to serve...1)Befriender group 2)Hair trimming

Befriender group is where people are assigned to go to the flats of the elderly and clean up their place, visit them during festive season, bring them out to make their short, care and connect with them. This is what i prefer, more so than just singing, doing arts and craft and serving food every Saturday morning. It is when people are at their loneliest that they feel most vulnerable. So, befrienders are to reach out and be there for them emotionally...and not just to attend to the basic needs of food and lodgings.

This afternoon, there were two ladies from another church to trim the hair of the elderly. Jaena and me are going with them to the Institute of Mental Health the following Saturday to learn this skill. They figured that the male patients in IMH just needed to crop their hair short and they make the best "models" for the both of us to learn hahaha this is a challenge..since i am proverbially known to be clumsy. But this is a challenge i am taking up heehee i would love to see what's IMH like. Might be another place that open door to just another opportunity.

Went back to the office at 1pm to clear all the backlog emails that have been accumulating from since don't know when. I like it when the office is empty. Only a few people came this afternoon and i made friends with the lady from accounts :) She offered me chocolates and we chatted with Florence Ngiam. Daryl, perhaps you are right, people feel comfortable with me and they open up. I am never close to the both of them but they started sharing the "pain" of their work with me. In retrospect, i do not share things with people easily...unless i am comfortable with that person. I hope i don't come across as cold. But to me, compliants are only just compliants unless you make changes. I realised that people like to say how "cham" they are and how unfortunate they are, always focussing on all the things that are not going their way...thus forgeting to remember all the other blessings that they have. Reminded me of the MSO meeting we had this week. One of the compliants was about how some sales personnels put us on copy in their correspondence with customer's emails. But then again, sometimes we put them on copy in our correspondences with suppliers as well mah. Anyway, this does not seem like a major problem to me because it is something that can be solved easily..but Sean and me got "branded as passive from selling passive products"..because we have no compliants. I believe that like me, he finds most of the compliants amusing...poor Fenn haha i like Sean, he is a cute fella keke cutest when he is hungry muahahahaha By the way, i told Sarah that i do not want to try what Alicia is doing now. Even before Fenn told us about it, Sarah has told me to go try that position because i get a chance to do other line cards bla bla bla She said it's an opportunity to go but somehow, no peace in my heart = no try...besides, i like working with Edwin now and Sean is funny.

But it might also be a bad habit of keep everything inside me and to just 忍 and then drop everything without i never tell Dar my thoughts and then just start a cold war..and he won't know what hit him..

Anyway, by the time i left the office, it was almost 5pm and i was super hungry. Only had a chicken pie for breakfast and i feel faint from hunger. But i feel happy cos emails are almost done. Had cravings for KFC :) yummy

Went home to check out Jervoise and he looked so comical in a neck support hahaha humpty dumpty sat on the bed :D i wish i am staying here too, so near my workplace and it feels good to come home and see my family after work.

1 comment:

charles said...

Thank you for sharing as always.